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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” Reverse day Do you want to be creative, cheerful, and easily find a common language with children? There is a very wonderful idea. We don’t know who first came up with it, but children picked it up with excitement, and it can really help adults! Agree with one desire that you want to fulfill at least once a year - to give up everything, tell routine to hell and do everything on the contrary! The idea is simple and clear. Let's have a REVERSE DAY! Everyone comes up with options at their own discretion. The main thing is that you like it, and everything is not the same as yesterday, but completely opposite! Are you really ready to play this? You can swap places with your children for the whole day. Let them give orders, and you fool around, become little pranksters, misunderstanders, throw right thoughts aside - you are now children! MORE IDEAS for special days, first from the banal, but pleasant: HAPPY SHOPPING DAY. Why do you have to buy what you need? You can arrange a separate day, having saved up funds in advance, when each of you buys something for your soul! Well, just like that! And he will allow someone else to do it. GIFTS DAY. How happy your family and friends will be when you suddenly, unexpectedly, without any reason, give them a gift! Any thing can do this: a DIY craft, a souvenir... And also, if you come up with a wish for a gift, HUG DAY. They say to feel great, you need to hug several times a day - feel physical contact! Give yourself and your loved ones not only a little mood, but also health! AND MORE IDEAS: REPAIR DAY. We offer a day of non-global repairs! In every home there are always several things that you need to fix, sew up..., but you still don’t get around to them. And if you have children, then you can set up a whole workshop where you will take toys that are still almost intact, but require repair! Or call a team of craftsmen to one or another part of the house to hammer a nail, glue a piece of torn wallpaper))) DAY TO GET RID OF UNNECESSARY THINGS - Removing junk. I think comments are unnecessary here. This is a very useful and important day for opening up the vastness of your life! FRESH AIR DAY. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOll What if you lie in bed all day (when you are sick, the sensations are completely different)?! You can try this at least once in your life! CREATIVITY DAY. Draw, sculpt, craft! DAY OF SILENCE... We often get distracted with different things. Many of them remain unfinished and hang heavy in the mind. What if you devote one day to something specific. And the job will be done, and you will understand how much you like it, and whether it’s worth doing it again and again! Try it! Let's dream up together. We are waiting for interesting ideas from you in the comments http://leusdiv.ru/uncategorized/den-naoborot! Any, the most banal and daring, are accepted!
