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From the author: Fortunately, now, in the 21st century, we have access to what was not available to everyone when our parents were young. These are various types of techniques for managing your life, such as discovering and realizing personal and professional potential, correctly setting and achieving goals, effectively managing your own time and much more that can help us achieve what we want and improve the quality of our own lives. It’s only up to us to accept and use these opportunities or refuse them, both will be everyone’s personal choice. Here a person lives, eats, sleeps, goes to work. What else does? He goes to work to earn the money he needs to buy clothes, food and pay for a roof over his head. He sleeps to rest to recuperate so that he can go to work and eats so that he has energy for the same work. Everything seemed to be in order, nothing more was needed. But why then, all this comfortable life, with comfortable furniture, new technologies, all these bars, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment places and events. I would live in a dugout, eat pasture, why do I and you need all those conveniences, You have to work hard to acquire them. The whole point is that, essentially, a person is potential by nature. From childhood, he grows and develops, and this growth and development does not stop throughout his life. Only in childhood the development is more intense and more natural, noticeable or, if you like, necessary. Whereas, when a person is already adult and formed, he becomes less in need of any development. Often we reach a certain level and think that life stops, we seem to begin to live out our days, go to work, visit various kinds of entertainment venues, arrange holidays, we wander around shopping centers and at first glance, it seems as if it doesn’t matter that we haven’t implemented what is really important to us. But one cannot escape from the essence, and the natural given, the internal desire for development and growth, does not give rest. A person is always missing something, something inside always strives to remind of itself, this is that very human potential. Most often, potential is felt as an internal emptiness, a kind of vacuum and a person strives to fill it with something like entertainment, various purchases, who - these are addictions; in family relationships, these can be betrayals and, least of all, developmental and creative activities. The latter is less common, because it is easier for a person to pay money for something and not do much of anything himself, since he is working hard at a job that he does not like and it is easier for him to have fun somewhere at a party in a bar or buy another useless thing and etc., distract yourself and assume that everything is in its place. And, the feeling of emptiness does not disappear, in this case it can even intensify. This filling of the vacuum with empty affairs and activities that do not bring development and growth can lead to indiscriminateness in connections, to the inability to build effective and fruitful relationships, to deterioration of health, to general dissatisfaction with life. Thus, a vicious circle arises, a person tries to fill the vacuum with useless deeds and things, he does not develop, the feeling of emptiness intensifies, he strives to fill it more intensely and steps on the same rake. Following this path, a person may eventually lose self-esteem or, at the other extreme, become overconfident. And, in both cases, the quality of a person’s life may be much better. To improve the quality of our own lives, each of us has everything we need, but for many of us, the opportunities are hidden beyond our reach, and there are reasons for this. Many people want to achieve more, and everyone has the right to the best, and every person has everything to develop further, despite the successes already achieved. It is important to realize what exactly for you is an improvement in the quality of life itself, and each of.
