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The Shadow haunts a person when there is bright light. That is why the word Shadow is the name given to the extreme manifestation of qualities in the negative. Negativity is also a metaphorical expression. It means unmanifest. In fact, it is a synonym for Shadow. “Unmanifested manifestation” is some kind of absurdity. In fact, the Shadow is precisely about what a person hides or does not see in himself. He may exhibit some qualities, but he does this unconsciously or uncontrollably. Completely different aspects may lie in this plane. They are not necessarily “bad”, “harmful” such as destructive Anger, itchy Irritation or devouring Envy. These can be positive states: Joy, Passion, Interest. In the shadow zone, in the zone of lack of demand, Gifts - Talents of a person can lie. That is, the Shadow - this is the “Unclaimed Compartment”. Why does this compartment appear?1. The person does not know what is there.2. A person sends there what he considers unnecessary, wrong, bad. How does Joy fall into the category of “bad”? Just like everything else - along with the evaluation label of parents and other significant adults. - Laughter for no reason, a sign of a fool... - Don’t laugh, otherwise you’ll have to cry later! Such expressions hang labels about the danger and uselessness of joy and laughter. - You’re an artist from the word “Bad”! - What have you done here again!? They hang negative labels on creativity and the ability to show it. This is how a repository of Shadow resources is formed, into which a Person does not look, even when he needs something there. But that long-term suppression of irritation and aggression ultimately spills out into Anger. And this can be an unconscious and uncontrolled manifestation of enormous Power. And subsequent awareness, if it happens, leads to a feeling of guilt. What to do? You need to tame your inner Dragon. You need to look into the vault so that you can consciously use the Power of what is hidden there. Help You can see the Shadow by realizing your reaction to other people. What irritates us in others, causes rejection, rejection, envy, is most often a shadow aspect, unconscious, and therefore uncontrollable. A course on discovering and accepting the power of your Shadow "How to tame your inner Dragon?" will help you with this.
