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Breathing that will help you relax and cope with anxiety Some of us are already a little tired of constantly worrying and being afraid. On the contrary, someone was just now covered with anxiety and fear. We experience stress in different ways. I think that on b17 everyone can now find words of encouragement and exercises to help them relax, cope with anxiety and stress. Here is my selection on this topic. More recently, here, I wrote about how to reduce anxiety during pregnancy time. The publication turned out to be long, so I promised to dwell on some self-help options separately. Today in more detail about helping breathing. Here are three of the simplest and most effective ways to breathe to reduce stress, anxiety and relax. First: Close your eyes and “look” at your feelings and feelings. Imagine a small ball in front of you, similar to a soap bubble. Mentally place “bad” thoughts, feelings and sensations in it, coloring them in appropriate colors and shades. When the ball is sufficiently filled with an unpleasant load, start breathing like this: - take a normal breath through your nose, - exhale slowly through your mouth, directing a stream of air at the bubble, forcing it to quickly or slowly move further and further with each exhalation until it disappears completely. Inhale and exhale. With each exhalation it becomes calmer. It is important that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. The inhalation should not be deep. You can use the following scheme: 2x2x4 (inhale for 2 counts, hold for 2, exhale for 4), if it is comfortable for you. Second: If for some reason you don’t like or can’t use a “soap bubble,” then try to imagine before something like a cloud or a small area of ​​fog. Mentally endow them with the appropriate colors and shades and begin to breathe, as indicated in the first option. Exhale slowly through your mouth and quickly or slowly, as you choose, your emotional cloud (or fog) will dissipate and/or fly away from you. The exhalation is longer than the inhalation. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. The fog dissipates and becomes calmer and easier. Third: Walk through your body with your mind's eye and see where exactly in the body there is tension and discomfort right now. When such an area is found, begin to breathe out slowly. Inhale shallowly through the nose, and slowly exhale, mentally directed to the place that now needs relaxation. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. The exhalation is longer than the inhalation. With each exhalation, tension becomes less and less, and calmness increases. Usually, a few minutes of such breathing are enough to feel comfort and calm. Good luck with your practices!✏️ Next time in this topic I will tell you in more detail about art exercises and meditation. Katerina Istratova (female psychologist, author of books) I invite you to online meetings! We will create for you an individual selection of recommendations, exercises, and practices to help relieve stress. Come! 🧡📞 +7916 4015150, +7929 9020234 sign up via messengers
