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From the author: The abbreviation Unified State Exam has firmly entered the modern lexicon, acquiring a negative emotional connotation. For about fifteen years now, these three letters have terrified not only tomorrow’s graduates, but also middle-level students who will one day also have to go through this. What is the reason for the panic? The abbreviation Unified State Exam has firmly entered the modern lexicon, acquiring a negatively colored emotional connotation. For about fifteen years now, these three letters have terrified not only tomorrow’s graduates, but also middle-level students who will one day also have to go through this. What is the reason for the panic? Firstly, this is a new form of exam that came to us from the West to replace the traditional exam model, which we have all gone through many times, and everything unknown, as we know, is scary. Secondly, graduates’ fear of the Unified State Exam is exacerbated when they are constantly reminded of what a difficult exam they will have to take. Thirdly, the very environment in which the exam takes place is unusual and frightening: graduates are brought to another school, where they are surrounded by strangers who act as inspectors. Fourthly, the result of the Unified State Exam affects the success of admission to a university. All these reasons become the reason for graduates to perceive the Unified State Exam as an undeserved punishment and regret that the old traditional form of passing exams is gone forever. Was it simpler before? Any exam is a situation of uncertainty: you don’t know in advance which ticket you will get, what additional questions they will ask. At all times, teachers and parents escalated the tension: if you don’t study well, you won’t go to college. The final exams in the eleventh grade passed more or less calmly among their teachers, but then, already outside the threshold of their home school, the entrance exams began. And the situation at the entrance examinations in universities was no easier than now at the Unified State Exam: several pairs of impartial eyes, vigilantly watching every move of the applicant. To reduce emotional stress and fear of the Unified State Exam, the graduates and I tried to find the advantages of taking the exam in the Unified State Examination form over the traditional form. And here are the advantages that the graduates themselves found: If the exam is conducted orally, then it is quite difficult to express your thoughts coherently and beautifully. The situation of an oral response in itself is exciting; there is a high probability of getting lost, stuttering, or forgetting what you wanted to say. This is excluded on the Unified State Exam. The Unified State Exam does not involve additional questions, while on a traditional exam there are almost always them. Some of the Unified State Exam tasks are presented in the form of tests, which means that the task itself already contains the correct answer. In a traditional exam, the ticket contains only questions and no hint of an answer. In a traditional exam, a lot depends on the teacher, on his existing relationship with the student. The Unified State Exam excludes the influence of biased attitudes towards the graduate on the assessment. The Unified State Exam significantly reduces the number of examination ordeals, since it is both a graduation and an entrance exam. In addition, the guys noted that preparing for the Unified State Exam significantly broadens their horizons. However, both the exam itself and the period of preparation for it are associated with significant physical and emotional stress, which can lead to depletion of the body’s resources, the so-called “distress”, expressed in severe fatigue, decreased memory and attention, loss of mood, apathy . The recommendations below will help you avoid physical exhaustion and cope with pre-exam anxiety. First of all, you need to properly organize your sleep and wakefulness. Night sleep should take at least eight hours, for a weakened body - at least ten. When preparing for an exam, you should not sit over textbooks until night. It’s better to finish classes at six or seven o’clock in the evening, then have dinner, after dinner, № 40 (3161)
