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Child and money. "Dad, where do they buy money?" …Kids are so funny! Of course, you should start a conversation with your child about money when he is interested in it. And nowadays it happens quite early, probably just when the baby learns to say the word "buy". At the same time, you can hear from some eccentrics - "Take a 50 from the ATM!", "Why didn't you take money from the woman!" , "Well then, let's borrow the doll!"... . A two or three-year-old child is not able to understand that you earn your money through hard work, but he lives in the same world as you, so talk to the child about money, its lack for some purchase, or its temporary absence! If you do not do this, the child will lose time and money in the future, because he will have to get this knowledge from somewhere: either from books or from the Internet, from the words of friends and their experiences, relying on their advice, often unsuccessful, or from his own mistakes. Years will pass before the child develops the habits of saving, accounting for income and expenses, and planning. The question arises: how to raise a child so that he knows how to earn and appreciate money, but at the same time does not turn into a greedy and miser? Should I give the child money? As? When and how much? Pocket money - no? Pocket money - yes! Almost all teachers believe that a child should be given pocket money. Giving from the moment a child begins to feel the need to spend money on his own, realizes what it is, that is, from the moment he wants to have his money. It is from that moment that she should have them. Usually it is at the age of 6, when the child goes to school and is given money for breakfast or lunch. But it also happens that a 4-year-old child comes to kindergarten with two hryvnias in his pocket. And what will he do with them? Have fun! Let's recall the folk pedagogy - "Don't give money to a child for playing, because he will be spoiled!" ". And this is not only superstition, but also a ban on safety issues - so that sometimes the child does not swallow a penny or stuff it into the spout. Who among us does not remember how in childhood we played in the store, ... then what kind of money did we have? So, the children cut pieces of paper and painted them for half a day, imitating money bills (perseverance, attention, memory were cultivated, fine motor skills of hands were developed), and on the street they collected leaves from trees and conditionally marked which leaf replaced a particular money bill (developed memory, imagination). Real money can contribute to the education of responsibility, encourage reasoning, can become a means of teaching numbers and logic to children of senior preschool and junior school age. Be sure to buy your child his own wallet - this will teach him to respect money. The main thing in education is to set a good example. Therefore, give the child money not for playing, but for buying something that, in his opinion, will be helpful in learning, for example. The age of 9-10 is the most responsible, and at 12, no one will be able to avoid the issue of pocket money. A child of this age is already capable of trying to earn and save for some dream thing. Help the child with a hint, advice, which of his skills he can apply to earn his own money. But, if the child earns on his own, this is not a reason to deprive him of pocket money. And how much to give? Regarding this issue, it seems that there is the most noise. Some suggest giving a child aged 6-14 years 10-60 hryvnias. per month, someone calculated - UAH 3 is necessary. per day, some give UAH 50. for a week. If you think that it is too early for your child to have pocket money, or a certain amount is too much for him, then discuss this issue calmly and with reasons, and in no case do not refuse in a sharp, rude way, or simply by putting the child in front of the fact. WARNING! Do not remove the child from contact with money, but also do not give more than the necessary amount, because then the child can "buy" the affection of his peers, and maintain communication even
