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From the author: (magazine “In the City”, No. 10 (84), October, 2011. Editor’s questions) It is unlikely that there will be a person who can unequivocally answer the question of what happiness is. And the phrase “female happiness” simply baffles some. After all, the desire to be happy is nothing more than an instinct inherent in nature. Nobody teaches this. For a long time, one well-known popular science website conducted a survey: “What is women’s happiness?” When the results were analyzed, scientists unanimously began to assert that the recipe for happiness is the same for everyone, regardless of their religion, place of residence, race, etc. It turns out that there is nothing transcendental in this recipe. Women's happiness is family (husband and children) and self-realization. That's all! Then why are there so many women who, having all this, are not happy? Let’s try to figure out this problem together with the psychologist, head of the Center for Psychological Counseling “SoDeistvie” Anna Khnykina.!! - What is “women’s happiness” and what does it mean? different from “male”?!! To be honest, it’s hard to say. It seems to me that male happiness is the same self-realization, including in the family. I would talk here about the attitude towards happiness as a state of mind. Not every one of us is able to grasp this state, maintain it, and even more so constantly openly express it. That is literally: we don’t know how to live with it. This was not accepted among us. Let’s learn. – Is “women’s” happiness the same for everyone or is it different for everyone? Each (each) has their own. I will say more, the attitude towards happiness, towards opportunity, the ability to be happy is laid down in the family. And not by mom and dad, but much earlier. - Why do some, even “narrow-minded” women, attract men, while smart ones repel them? A truly smart woman always has enough intelligence that there is no need to demonstrate it anywhere. I have a lot of examples, and you probably do too, when a woman first enthusiastically proves all her superiority, and then is surprised that her husband not only does nothing, he simply doesn’t want anything, no initiative, no passion, and in general , there is no longer anything to talk about with him. And what can you want when everything is decided for you, every step is indicated, everything that is possible will be done themselves, and then they will gloat that I am, they say, “both a woman and a man.” A man wants a Muse nearby: beautiful, easy to communicate, not overwhelming, sweet, not tired......etc., etc. A woman, in a word. – Is having a husband and children a guarantee of happiness? Not at all necessary. Happiness is very personal, everyone has their own idea of ​​what exactly can make them happy. But you always need to focus on the internal message: why are you getting married? Because “they said it was necessary”? Because “at least one, the first, must be born”? Because “what if no one takes it at all” or sometimes “mom insisted”…. With such an attitude, no one in this family will be happy. – Does “women’s happiness” have an age? If we consider women's happiness as the successful realization of oneself as a woman, then probably every age has its own joys: being a soloist in a children's creative group, graduating from a university with flying colors, getting married, giving birth, raising a family in love and health, becoming successful as a specialist, enjoying freedom and creativity in the third phase of life - all this is possible and it is difficult to say what is more important. Who-what-when... -What do you think is better: the happiness of a housewife or the happiness of a businesswoman? My opinion: when a woman feels good, this is happiness. The main thing is that she is happy with what she does and loves what she does. Then she will not “want to appear”, pretend to be someone else. Everything will be natural, harmonious and she will be happy and beautiful. – In our everyday reality, more and more women are trying to be independent and self-reliant. Then the question quite naturally arises: “Why does she need a man whom she can overtake in something? Why does she need brute male strength if she is no worse?” Sometimes it seems to me that this is why some women start relationships with!
