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If you focus on self-development, you can get stuck... Should we become better? It’s unlikely, I think that we are already good. A person has everything immediately at birth. He gets the rest from life experience. The trouble with a person who consciously develops himself is that he begins to FORGET about his usual needs. A person does not have such a separate need to improve himself. I will make you happy, we cannot help but improve, because we overcome difficulties every day. And we learn to jump over ever higher barriers. We develop in the most natural way until we begin to do this CONSCIOUSLY. And here we begin to suffer from the popular disease “I HAVE NO MOTIVATION.” Motivation is the energy that appears to satisfy a need. For example, we easily do exercises when, after 30-40 years, our back starts to hurt. We easily look for work when we have a couple of thousand rubles left in our pocket. And these problems develop us while we solve them. But the brain will not give us energy just like that, for the sake of a whim. He has spent millions of years learning to save energy. And then suddenly we... With this self-development without need. What if suddenly we realize that we can get a promotion after successfully defending a report at work. Then we can easily take courses in public speaking or presentation design. Why not self-development? Moreover, it is easy, understandable and PROFITABLE. But when we get sick of the idea of ​​self-development, we begin to suffer. We scold ourselves for sitting still. But there is no energy for movement, because there is no benefit. It won’t be possible, for example, to study psychology just like that. But this is very easy to do in order to make deals easier and faster, negotiate with your boss, subordinates and understand what you will get for it. And then we devote our lives to OURSELVES. We satisfy our needs - this is the process of COMPLEXING a person, his self-development. Do you know how it was for me? I could easily spend 30,000 rubles. to study. And I thought for half an hour whether I could buy this hat for 1,000 rubles. Some fantastic idea became more expensive than my own frostbitten ears https://taplink.cc/nale_psy https://t.me/NaLe_psy https://vk.com/id24535025 https://www.youtube.com/@levanina/
