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From the author: Some tips on what thoughts and attitudes prevent us from feeling happiness. Photo taken: Background photo created by lifeforstock - www.freepik.com “Work ruins everything, I wish I could on an eternal vacation “There is a fairly common illusion that continuous weekends and vacations are cool. Schoolchildren already dream that there will be only changes at school. But in fact, such dreams have nothing to do with reality. Complete idleness and laziness do not lead to long-awaited happiness. On the contrary, idleness is a direct path to depression. A person by nature loves to work and cannot live without it. It is important to do something that gives pleasure, helps to realize your creativity, then happiness will not keep you waiting. they are to blame!” Often, instead of taking responsibility for his life, a person begins to blame all his acquaintances, friends, and relatives for his troubles. But if he constantly thinks about who is to blame, he simply wastes his time. After all, then others should also be responsible for his happiness, and not he himself. The one who takes responsibility achieves a feeling of happiness much faster, because he is the creator of what happens to him. Responsibility, of course, can be a heavy burden, but the reward for it is also worthy: a person himself can steer his life. “I wish I had...” The constant desire to have something new is the ideal of happiness imposed by modern consumer society. In reality, a telephone, a computer or an apartment will not bring happiness on their own, only short-term pleasure. Happiness itself lies within a person, and not in the objects around him. “I don’t want and won’t change anything in life...” A person is always changing, life itself is a movement. Denial of development leads to decline. Anyone who tries to avoid changes in their life sooner or later begins to degrade. Development, the desire for new achievements, and creativity serve as an excellent foundation for happiness. “I won’t succeed.” Success does not always come after the first attempt; you often have to work hard. Happiness is sometimes the result of hard work. Defeats must be analyzed, mistakes must be extracted, and not used as a basis for self-pity. No matter how banal it may be, happiness is within ourselves, it should not be looked for in someone or something. You must be able to feel it, accept it within yourself, and share it with others. Happiness cannot be achieved as a final result, it is more like a state or a process. Don't make it an end in itself.
