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Last week in my city, an event that made a splash on the Internet took place: a student filmed on his phone how his teacher very emotionally swears at her students, including using obscenities. Our home-grown media They gave the incident an unambiguous assessment - this teacher is pure evil. But, since the case is extremely ambiguous, I decided to analyze the story and look at it from other angles, adding objectivity to it. How could she? Let's look at this case to understand: why does this happen? How did the teacher come to live like this? And what, in general, could it be: professional burnout, illness or bad manners? Some initial data from our media: The teacher is a teacher of the Russian language, literature and MHC. Work experience – 9 years. The director and head teachers are in good standing. She was awarded a diploma of honor from the education department of the city of Tula. The student is in grade 8 (that is, a teenager approximately 14-15 years old), classmates are now speaking out in favor of him being expelled from school. Now about the reasons that caused such a reaction from the teacher. The first and most likely: professional burnout. What it is? From a medical point of view, neurosis is a state of maladjustment of the nervous system. The syndrome develops due to prolonged exposure to intense stressors. Workers in social professions (social workers, doctors, teachers) and professions associated with constant communication with people (sales managers, dispatchers, administrators) are prone to this disorder. For the development of professional burnout syndrome, a combination of several stress factors is needed: 1) As already mentioned, constant communication with people 2) Psycho-emotional stress that inevitably arises during intensive communication 3) Increased workload in general: long hours of work, overtime work, high demands on quantity and quality completed work.4) High demands on the employee’s personality, such as: patience, restraint, politeness, calmness. What makes a person block emerging emotions, both negative and positive. But they don’t disappear anywhere from the nervous system. And they don’t dissolve on their own.5) High requirements for the profession: altruism, competence, the employee as an authority and role model6) Great responsibility7) Low assessment of the profession in society, low assessment of work in general. In its development, the disorder goes through several stages:1) In the first stage, memory and attention disorders are noted. A person develops previously unusual forgetfulness and errors in usual actions. At this stage, the employee explains what is happening by saying that he is “just tired, overworked.” 2) In the second stage, emotional incontinence, a reaction that is inadequate to the situation, increased irritability, anxiety, and tearfulness appear. Interest in work is lost, there are no new ideas, weakness increases in the evening, and apathy by the end of the week, sleep at night worsens. The psyche rapidly loses energy and begins to signal trouble with all its might. If at this stage you do not take measures to restore adaptive resources and change the mode of activity, but “drown out” nervousness with “sedatives”, the next stage develops. 3) The third stage – depressive and psychosomatic disorders. At this stage, the reserves for adaptation are almost exhausted. If there are very few of them, the person becomes sluggish, apathetic, lacking initiative, does not want to get up in the morning, does not want to go to work, does not want to see anyone, performs duties with great difficulty, “on autopilot.” During the same period, pain appears in various parts of the body, headaches, constant coughing, persistent laryngitis and bronchitis, frequent colds, high blood pressure, panic attacks - a pre-morbid state, which is not far from real diseases: hypertension and peptic ulcers, bronchial asthma and etc. The insidiousness of the professional syndromeburnout in the invisibility and gradual progression of the condition, which at first disguises itself as ordinary fatigue. Thus, the seriousness of emerging problems is underestimated. What do we have in a situation with an angry teacher? Teaching is the first profession on the list of risks for professional burnout. The teacher constantly communicates with people, and what kind of people! This is especially true for a high school teacher who deals with teenagers. This is a very complex category of people: they doubt everything, argue, assert themselves, strive to stand out, are aggressive, emotionally unstable, and prone to extremes. Modern teenagers - a separate matter - do not want anything, with rare exceptions, they do not read anything (except for comics and Twitter), there are practically no hobbies, they are not frightened by twos, but they have a lot of drive and ambition and can intimidate anyone with suicide. Well, or suddenly fly to St. Petersburg, turning everyone gray. Parents work day and night so that their children do not need anything, and as a result, teenagers are convinced that life’s blessings fall from the sky for them and money comes by itself. Spoiled. And there is practically no government over them. They are not afraid of anything and no one is an authority for them. At the moment, the poor teacher is very limited in the measures he can exert on his student (hello to juvenile justice and human rights advisers!), although for some, as in tsarist times, the rod would not hurt. Right in front of everyone, in the classroom. Previously, society and Pioneer Komsomol organizations helped teachers discipline obstinate teenagers. There were many things to be ashamed of, and unseemly behavior was openly condemned “in front of the entire detachment.” It is this kind of influence that is effective for a teenager trying to realize his need to belong to a group. Rejection is a terrible punishment, a shame! Is it realistic for a teacher to carry out such a volume of educational work alone if the workload is already inhuman? Every year some new perversion comes out of the Ministry of Education. Either let’s unite schools, then several schools with kindergartens (nobody cares how everyone will work in this conglomerate), then we’ll introduce the Unified State Exam, then English will be a compulsory exam, then fifteen compulsory exams in the 11th grade, then we’ll change the textbooks. Not counting a bunch of different papers, reports, receipts, timesheets, tests and checks. At the same time, there are certain standards by which the effectiveness of a teacher’s work is assessed. In my opinion, useless, biased and ineffective. Only the future society, for which he educates and educates future members, can evaluate the work of a teacher! I am at a loss: either the Ministry of Education is staffed by paranoids with their own ideas for reorganizing the world, or, naturally, they are enemies of their people. And their goal is to create the most nervous environment for the teacher and student, so that they will go crazy. And, after all, it goes, goes with a whistle for both of them! Every year I treat unfortunate high school students with a worn-out nervous system! Fancy yourself as a teacher in a borderline department? It is impossible to speak in a raised voice, everyone has poor memory, everyone is apathetic and indifferent, while some make idiotic jokes, shout nonsense and behave quite freely, but are not critical of their actions. And you can’t be offended by them! They are (sick) children! It’s even easier for a psychiatrist, really! People have a little more respect for the white coat. But this has not yet begun to teach life and demand adherence to the regime. But it’s easier for the doctor - if you don’t want to be treated, goodbye! How can a teacher send a student on a long journey? But what about the personality of the future? What if it gets ruined? Who is guilty? Teacher! In this situation, a teacher’s professional burnout may occur in two or three years. It is very likely that the joint efforts of students, parents and the Ministry of Education would have driven Makarenko himself to burnout! There are catastrophically few young teachers coming to school. The profession is unpopular and poorly paid. Mostly altruists are coming,loving children and the learning process. And they gradually lose motivation and intelligence. It became known that the teacher who shouted at the students quit. So what did the foolish teenager achieve as a result? I wanted to laugh, but as a result I lost my Russian language teacher (!). Now he won't be literate at all. Considering that his classmates want to see him outside the walls of their school, the young man is clearly a difficult teenager. With heboid type of behavior. For such people, everything is funny and make-believe. Therefore, they tend to die or get injured under stupid circumstances, and in life they irritate normal people with the inappropriateness of jokes. Regarding the presence or absence of a teacher’s mental illness. As a psychiatrist, I’ll say right away – no. Judging by the video, the teacher does not have a mental illness. Neurasthenia is present. But this is within the framework of professional burnout. Now about good manners. The teacher, of course, is also a person, with his own personal characteristics. And he, too, was once raised. I think her parents tried to instill in this teacher the kindest and brightest things. And do you know what paradox could happen? If she was taught to restrain her emotions, she could for quite a long time (after all, nine years of experience!) successfully suppress her reactions to the stupidity and laziness of her students, until she reached a critical mass and weakened her nervous system. The result is a nuclear explosion, a terrible video. However, this teacher is not a girl at all and must bear responsibility for her nervous system and behavior herself. Educate yourself, treat and take care of psychological comfort, and reformat unwanted conditioned reflexes, albeit with someone’s help. Especially if they interfere with professional fulfillment. It is possible to re-educate an adult. True, it takes a long time and with effort, but it’s real. Society always places high demands on the teaching profession. And the teacher must be not only a teacher, but also a psychologist. Look for an approach to the careless and lazy. Be able to get interested in the subject. Such a profession! We had a fantastic geographer in fifth grade! Amazing sense of humor! Just like in “The Big Break”: -Do you have a sense of humor? -Sarcasm... So, the geographer could make the whole class laugh at a bully with a sharp phrase. Or he would weave it into some funny story in the most unfavorable light, like: “Here comes Konstantinov in white shorts, and then there’s a tsunami...”. Those who were unrestrained lost the desire to make statements for a long time. At the same time, the teacher was quite strict! But it was felt that he loved his subject very much and spoke with such inspiration that it was impossible not to be infected by this love! I didn’t adore or know any subject as much as I did geography in the fifth grade! Here's to charisma and the power of personal example! In addition, in order to be on the same wavelength with your wards, you need to be interested in their aspirations and modern trends. And this means stop thinking about yourself as a loved one. Stop being selfish. Moreover, technical knowledge can be useful to a teacher. Remember, “the professor, of course, is a mug, but he has the equipment...”. You also need to remember that a teacher is a public profession. Nowadays there are a lot of surveillance cameras all around and every person has a cell phone, which he will not fail to use when something seems funny or amusing to him. And your hysteria will become a national treasure, and you will become a YouTube star. But unemployed. What should the intemperate teacher do now? First, restore the nervous system, and then think hard about whether she wants to stay in education or this, after all, is not her calling. It is worth taking into account that a person can endure much more from his favorite activities and favorite students. The main thing is to have the desire to overcome difficulties. Yes, public opinion is a significant force and the reputation is tarnished. But if you have something to say to the younger generation, can this flow be stopped? We have already seen that it is not. And to those who are in a hurry to condemn the teacher, I want to say that in her place, one “fine” day,.
