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From the author: The training program on organizational arrangements in Ulan-Ude will begin on March 10, 2014. Recently, various business trainings and seminars that reveal the technology of doing business have become very relevant. To a greater extent, these are various schemes and algorithms, following which you must arrive at a certain result. And some people succeed. Some others manage to implement part of what was proposed. But there are also those who never used anything. What is the reason for this? The answer is simple. When studying business technology, you need to remember about psychology. Knowledge of the technical part of the car, with all the diagrams and drawings, does not at all guarantee that you will get where you want. We all understand perfectly well that driving style, speed limit, and concentration depend on the psychological state of the driver. But few people have thought about how the mood of a business owner and his personal qualities affect the work of his organization. Does anyone realize that customer loyalty can be directly influenced by the presence of hidden conflicts and behind-the-scenes intrigues? An unexpected turn? And this is just the beginning. At the training “Organizational constellations - as a method of business management”, managers, top managers and company owners will use their own examples to analyze the reasons for ineffective behavior and find a good solution. We do not propose to resolve all your issues with advertising. At our seminar, you will be able to see your organization from the inside: how it actually functions, what needs to be done so that employees can open up and succeed in it. Advertising is about creating an external gloss. But if suddenly the internal connections of the organization are broken, then it will be more effective to study not the next 10 methods of advertising your business, but to look for new, effective solutions specifically for your company that will allow you to improve the quality of staff, find reliable partners and increase your profits. The training is conducted in seminar format with maximum attention to the requests of participants, practical work and consolidation of the material covered. We do not offer cases with ready-made answers, we take into account the uniqueness of each person and help to find a beautiful solution to the problem. The following areas will be covered at the seminar: Personnel How to determine whether the personal and professional qualities of a candidate or employee meet the requirements of a company (post)? Clients How does the internal mood of a manager influence on the atmosphere within the company and the influx of clients? Market How to get the maximum benefit from relationships with partners, competitors and fiscal organizations? Family Business How do family relationships affect the structure of the organization and the profitability of the business? Money How does the correct setting of goals, objectives and the choice of mission affect profit growth? The seminar uses the method of systemic constellations, authored by Bert Hellinger. Constellation is one method of organizational consulting that allows you to obtain important information about the real state of your company in a short time. What do you get as a result? Knowledge and practical skills in obtaining information about the real state of your company, which will make it promising for employees and attractive for clients, reliable for partners and fiscal organizations, and, most importantly, profitable. Seminar presenter: Igor Stanislavovich Klimenko, certified specialist at the Institute of Consulting and System Solutions (Moscow), Director of the Psychological Center for System Consulting (Vladivostok). Organizer of the First International Congress in Russia on constellations (2007), organizer of Bert Hellinger seminars in Vladivostok (2008, 2009)
