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From the author: Excerpt from the article “Double surname – a tribute to fashion or a vital necessity?” The article was published in the magazine "In the City" Mytishchi, Korolev. Read the full article: The topic of surnames for married women today is becoming increasingly relevant. When getting married, women increasingly began to think: should they keep their maiden name or take their husband’s last name? Is the procedure for changing a surname so harmless? What happens to a woman’s life when she changes her last name? In the process of psychological counseling and family constellations for many years, I paid attention to one very serious fact: many married women are very uncomfortable living with their husband’s last name. Married women who live under their husband’s last name talk about very similar experiences: “I feel like I’m lost, I don’t know what to do, what to do.” “From time to time I experience a feeling of terrible hopelessness.” “When I changed my last name, I started getting sick all the time.” “I often feel like I’m falling into an abyss, and I’m very scared.” “You have to constantly overcome obstacles.” “I have changed both internally and externally for the worse.” Anxiety and uncertainty haunt me." And a huge number of similar statements. What is happening? And what should women do in such situations? Where and what should I look for resources for women? While talking about this topic, I discovered that many women, regardless of age and social status, say that they miss their maiden names, but do not dare return them, so as not to offend their husbands.Po According to statistics from civil registry offices, today the number of young women who, when getting married, remain in their maiden name is 20% more than 10 years ago. Women explain this by saying that they do not want to change their documents, which can take too much time and effort. But is it? Is this the reason for the reluctance to change my surname? So maybe the answer lies in this desire? And then, during psychotherapeutic work, I began to use my maiden name – the surname of the woman’s father – as a resource. And with great surprise I discovered that all the women who worked with this topic found comfort and harmony when they took a double surname - father and husband. Once a woman asserts her dual surname during a therapeutic exploration, she gains confidence, peace, inner dignity, and self-respect. She becomes whole and fulfilled. She has something to give to her children, her energy overwhelms her. I became very interested in why a double surname has the most favorable effect on married women. According to the Synthesis school of philosophy, which is based on the philosophy of Russian Cosmism, a New Epoch has arrived on the Planet. The new era is called the Age of Fire, the Age of Action, the Age of Woman, the Age of Balance - OM. The names “Era of Woman” and “Era of OM” interested me most in this context. In the previous era, before 2000, the leading position in the family and in society was occupied by a man. The woman was behind her husband. She was assigned the role of a housewife, mother, wife, lover. At best, a faithful friend and companion. A woman has always belonged, followed and obeyed a man. When getting married, in our country a woman automatically took her husband’s surname. That was right, that was the order. But that was in a bygone era. The planet has moved to a new stage of development and brought new conditions and opportunities for humanity. Today, few women are satisfied with the role of only a wife, mother and housewife. It is very important for women to develop personally and participate in the social and political activities of society. And we all see what colossal results women achieve in business and in leadership positions. In the new era that has come, women have a very important role to play. Since a woman’s task is to create an environment for the new, destroy the old and inspire a man to new actions. That is why, in order to continue the evolutionary development of humanity, it is so necessary today to include full-fledged female activity. A woman comes out from behind the shadow of her husband and.
