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From the author: The article is not about how not to be a Victim. Publication approved. There are no names. The position of the Victim (according to Karpman) can turn not only with the facade towards Ivanushka and something towards the forest. The hut (the Victim's position) has its own isometry and depth. Let's draw a sign: Behavior in the left column allows you to free yourself from life, from Choice, from responsibility - which is ultimately tantamount to bloodless suicide. How to survive with such fears, uncertainty, inaction, and what else - in the format of a living corpse? And if we add here, for example, a situation where this is a single mother raising a daughter, she and her child need to eat something and wear something every day. And this is only part of the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid - the top (or bottom) of what is necessary for survival. The pyramid also has a middle - the need for recognition and love - which has not yet been canceled. We will not “touch” self-actualization (the top of the pyramid) here. In addition, each of us has abilities, including Victims, of course, have talents. For example, the talent not to lust for Money and to manipulate those who lust.. So, the hut has ends. For those Victims who are able not to lust for money to the point of greedy sinking in the stomach and nodules in the cheekbones, banknotes provide temporary protection and power, creating an illusion around Love, recognition and respect through surrogates of flattery, lies and servility, richly and richly saturated with envy and suppressed disgust for one’s situation: “Why do some people have everything, and nothing for me??”, with pain or already hernias in the lumbar region of the back, obesity in the hips and chronic gastritis with the prospect of a stomach ulcer. You know, once in my life there was such a case. I worked as a senior bank teller when I was 22 years old. And they appointed me because I played the piano, I had sensitive fingers, I quickly counted money and selected old bills (back then money was counted by hand). One man worked with us, Semyon. His son was very sick. They needed money to perform an operation on their son. I then helped Semyon, he collected money, took his son to another city and cured him. One day, someone knocked on my door while I was working. I opened it, and there Semyon was kneeling. In general, I helped many people, and many were grateful to me all their lives (Heroine of the article). So, why does the Victim (Heroine of the article) need to manipulate those who desire money? What is she compensating for in this way? And what will happen if her money is taken away? And, finally, how does such manipulation threaten the heroine herself? Incomprehensible to some, a conscious balance in relation to money is organically built into the heroine. You can’t train it, you can’t pick it up from Rich Dad, you can’t spy on it and you can’t imitate it. You are born with it and you have it - just like slim people - no matter how much they eat, they remain slim. And a bonus to all this: the ability not to lust after money. Respect and acknowledge their strength and power, but do not lust. Don't get excited by them. Remain focused and calm. Don't chase and suffocate from lack, don't cling. And not to squander, not to squander, but to multiply. What a temptation is there to directly use those who lust! A practical opportunity to create an army of vassals for yourself, arrange competition for them, and observe. Competition between “vassals” includes the mechanism “whoever praises me best will receive sweet candy.” Here they are: recognition, respect and love. Let it be in the form of surrogates, let it be illusory. Well, who will now connect lie detector sensors to these victims who lust for money? Or tie them to a pan of porridge, like the heroine of the article was tied when she cooked the first porridge in her life for the whole family, but with lumps. Who cared then that the heroine was left an orphan; her parents were shot in 1937, like many at that terrible time. And they didn’t send her to an orphanage! She didn't wander off! Her aunt took her in, and she also took care of the orphan and taught her about housework. Now she9921
