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From the author: You can go to another street on your own, but with support you can do it faster and safer.... New streets and roads for you, without potholes...! A person’s life can be written in just in five actions: 1. A man is walking down the street... walking... walking... and suddenly, bam... falls into a hole (where the hole is stress, trauma, murky situations, etc.). In the life of each of us there are these pits, at one time or another, with certain events;2. A man is walking... walking... and suddenly, bam... he falls into a hole. He looks around and realizes that he has fallen into a hole. Sooner or later, we begin to realize that we have found ourselves in a similar situation before. And, sometimes, it happens that the situation repeats itself exactly....3. A man is walking... walking... and suddenly, bam... he falls into a hole, out of habit. It seems like there is awareness, it seems like the connection between events is visible, but....4. A man is walking... walking... and suddenly he sees... a hole ahead. He tries to get around it, jump over it, step over it, but he may twist his leg, slightly... Or he may not twist it, but he still lacks the skill...5. A man walks down another street. Are you thinking about how to get to another street? Or does your life resemble being stuck on some action? Or when you reach some action, you return to the first one again and again, walking in circles?
