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Adolescence is a difficult period not only for the child, but also for his parents. At the age of 12 to 17 years, the child begins to experience not only various kinds of physiological changes, but also due to the rapid increase in the amount of hormones in the body, aggressiveness, nervousness and the spirit of rebellion increase. What should parents do? It will not work to be simple observers, because under the influence of hormones a teenager is capable of many rash actions. But swearing, completely controlling the child and prohibiting everything is also not an option. Such methods will only aggravate the situation and completely ruin the teenager’s relationship with his parents. The best option is to stick to the golden mean. Remember: the child is already feeling bad; it seems to him that the whole world is currently against him. Instead of reproaches, it is better to prove that you are on his side. Be on an equal footing with your child. This does not mean that you need to indulge the little rebel in everything, you just need to behave with him like an adult. The child grows, and growing up is, as you know, not only the opportunity to do everything in your own way, but also a great responsibility. Let the teenager get used to it. Now you can go to bed late, but you will have to get up early in any case, because school classes have not been canceled. Does your child not want to go to college or institute? Then let him look for a part-time job or do without pocket money. No teasing or humiliation. You should not even jokingly pay attention to the fact that the teenager has lost a lot of weight (gained weight) or has developed acne. Remember the previous rule: stay equal. You certainly wouldn't laugh at an adult about something like that. The best option is to help the child, at least if he doesn't mind. Take him to a cosmetologist, discuss his diet or the possibility of working out in the gym. Be on your son or daughter's side. Respect his environment. During adolescence, friends mean much more to a child than parents, no matter how offensive it may sound. So ask about them often, take an interest in their life and respect the child’s choice. In general, be extremely careful with your son or daughter’s first love. Even if you don’t like her at all, in order to avoid quarrels, locking yourself in the room and leaving the house, keep your opinion to yourself for now. And the most important rule: be open with your child, recognize his physiological changes and talk openly about it. The times of old talk are over, it’s time to communicate seriously, because in front of you is practically an adult. But don’t overdo it, try to speak in a language that a teenager can understand.
