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From the author: “The past is not what happened to you; it’s what you did with what you had.” Huxley. In this article we will consider aspects that show the feasibility and necessity of psychotherapy for every conditionally healthy person. It is needed to: Get rid of self-flagellation; Change your attitude towards the past; Know yourself; Learn to understand yourself; Accept yourself and others; Solve problems; Gain an adequate idea of ​​yourself; Increase your self-esteem; Personal growth; Gain maturity and maturity ;See that life is different - much brighter and better; Learn to build relationships; I am sure that every person needs psychotherapy! No, you are interpreting it incorrectly if you think that only mentally ill people go to psychologists. You need to go to a psychologist in order to become conscious, personally mature and be able to independently solve your problems (if any), build meaningful relationships with others (without accusations or insults), take responsibility for everything that happens to you in life, grow and know yourself. Problems are nothing but the result of your negative thinking. A problem means that you have tunnel vision, when it seems to you that there is no way out. Psychotherapy is a process of self-knowledge, self-awareness and expanding the vision of one’s boundaries and capabilities. It is as a result of self-knowledge that you begin to see wider, deeper and, as a result, find ways to solve your difficulties. And the psychologist is a guide on this journey. In order for you to better understand whether you need psychotherapy, I will list some “symptoms” indicating that in your life and Soul there is some kind of inconsistency, disharmony that interferes with a full and fulfilling life: Resentment towards someone; Feelings of guilt; Uncertainty; Comparing oneself with others; Fears; Irritation, anger, anger, aggression; Depressed state; Anxiety; Lies, deception; Negative thinking; Jealousy; Expectation of something bad; Blaming other people, circumstances; Unreasonable changes in mood; Apathy; Misunderstanding of oneself and others; Various types of addictions (gaming, sexual, food, internet, chemical, religious); Fanaticism; Desire to change others; Focusing on the past; Criticism; Self-flagellation; Quarrels, conflicts; Loneliness; Illness. These are just a few reasons why it is necessary to seek psychotherapeutic help. I am not talking here about such obvious symptoms and conditions as phobias or depression, because in this case it is already clear that help is urgently needed. Most people suffer from their problems all their lives, or run away from them. Remember: any state you have, except the state of Love, is a disease. Only in a state of Love does harmony flow and the whole body works harmoniously, and the Soul is calmed. This is an investment in yourself, but one that will bring you dividends in the form of happiness and harmony until the end of your days. Think about whether you want to change your life for the better or are you satisfied with everything in it? Just don't fool yourself. If you are happy now with what you have, you don’t need psychotherapy. Exactly. But if, nevertheless, the inner voice suggests disharmony or dissatisfaction - give yourself the most valuable gift in life - start this inner JOURNEY to free yourself from the heavy burden of the past, from the burden of incorrect and imposed ideas, attitudes and find happiness and the ability to rejoice here and now. A culture of psychological assistance has not been formed in Russian society. And there are historical reasons for this: unconscious people are easy to control; keeping them in darkness and ignorance is beneficial to politics. Moreover, psychology as a science has been completely relegated to the margins. The government was afraid that if a citizen began to think about the meaning of life, then it would be difficult to cope with him, because the meaning of life and freedom - these 2 concepts go side by side. And to this day the consciousness of the Russian person remains, by and large, the same. People do not believe in the changes that psychotherapy and coaching bring with them. They don't trust
