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From the author: The article was published on the website on December 30, 2012. Then he is unhurried, restrained, quite stingy with emotions, is thoughtful, circumspect and careful, he is not characterized by sudden mood swings and he always tries everything to do the right thing, but he does it incredibly slowly, and can often infuriate his parents, especially if they are choleric or sanguine. Phlegmatic children never create whims out of nowhere and easily control their behavior. They have one serious drawback - some passivity. They have difficulty making any decisions on their own, which sometimes gives the impression that they are indifferent to everything that happens around them. Their slowness can drive a parent to their knees, especially at times when something needs to be done quickly, so it is worth taking this feature into account and the morning of a phlegmatic person should begin 15-20 minutes earlier than the morning of a sanguine or choleric child. Give extra time to your baby so that he can wake up, have breakfast and leave the house on time, he just needs this in order to swing and start acting, you don’t need to push your phlegmatic person, this will only complicate the task of being on time for kindergarten, school, or work. The little phlegmatic is calm, even, constant in communication, he is very attached, easily obeys, does not strive for leadership, does not have conflicts, but does not like to share his toys, takes care of them, and does not try to take other people’s toys. If a conflict nevertheless arises with another child, then the phlegmatic person, as a rule, either calmly and slowly gives in, or calmly and stubbornly resists. As a rule, a phlegmatic child has few friends, but if he has found a friend to his liking, he will be endlessly devoted to him. In games, he prefers those who are sedentary: construction sets, blocks, checkers, etc., he can do the same thing for a long time: look at pictures in books, sculpt, draw, watch cartoons. In communication with children he is not very active, silent, reserved, and not enthusiastic. He tolerates adult guardianship calmly, even indifferently, and does not try to contradict. In general, he is flexible, but sometimes he can be incredibly stubborn. Any change is not easy for him, so adaptation to kindergarten, school, or a new place of residence is difficult, and it can sometimes drag on for a long time. A phlegmatic learns slowly; it takes him longer to assimilate new information than other children, but once he has learned it, he will remember it once and for all, for the rest of his life. Parents of such children need to take into account when organizing the daily routine: games, activities, leisure, that their children need a little more time and remember that retraining a phlegmatic child is a useless task and is doomed to failure. So that a phlegmatic child learns to overcome difficulties and does not grow up passive and lazy, encourage him to take part in competitive games, teach him to dream and fantasize, do not expect him to be active. Don’t make the mistake of letting your baby sit for hours in a corner with his favorite toys and activities; don’t forget that such behavior in childhood can lead to passivity and infantilism in the future. Awaken activity in your baby, teach him from childhood to be responsive and sensitive towards others and teach him to help others and, of course, you. Dear parents, do not rush your phlegmatic child, remember that he cannot live comfortably under time pressure. Don’t put pressure on your child, encourage and praise him more often, and under no circumstances ever call him a “bummer,” “slow,” etc., especially in front of strangers. Remember, you are incredibly lucky, your baby is calm, balanced and flexible, just don’t forget that he needs your attention, participation and love!
