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From the author: S-theoryTraining company Partner Let’s note the basic statements that characterize violations of natural rights: Right to be – 1. you are not there 2. I am not there Security – 1. everything is mine 2. I won’t have enough Autonomy – 1. I’m always right 2. I’m correctIndependence – 1. I’m the best 2. I’m not good enoughWishing – 1. I don’t want 2. I’m not the one who wantsAchieving – 1. the main thing is the process 2. everything is not important, so leave me aloneHere: 1 – corresponds an active life position in case of violation of natural law, and 2 – a passive life position. During the period of mastering natural rights, in the early stages of development, the foundation is laid for those mechanisms that subsequently develop into a personality. In this sense, natural rights are one of the main determining factors in the construction of personality. These rights also correspond to the law of biological development and correlate with Groff’s perinatal matrices. Intrauterine development correlates with the right to “be”, because that’s where the foundation was laid. Contractions are security, because it is at this stage that the primary disruption occurs in the mother’s body meeting the needs of the fetus. The opening of the birth canal is autonomy, where the concept of separating oneself from the mother for the first time receives confirmation in real experience and one must show one’s own will. Birth is independence, because at this stage the sense of one’s own individuality, selfhood is finally consolidated, and with the cutting of the umbilical cord, the symbiotic relationship with the mother finally ends. At this point, the perinatal matrices ended, but two more natural rights remained. Where did they come from? Their appearance is based on the biological law of development. We remember that birth is a qualitatively new stage in the development of matrices, and the right of independence will also be a qualitatively new stage in the system of development of rights, i.e. the first step in the next three. At the same time, the right itself will also be based not only on the “birth” matrix, but also on the “pregnancy” matrix. The right to independence in this case seems to be a qualitative improvement in relation to the right to be. Thus, we can assume the existence of two more natural rights, which will be a qualitative correspondence of the second and third matrices. These are the rights that are the right to desire - security - contractions, and the right to achieve - autonomy - the birth canal. Our ancestors knew this mathematical model from ancient times. Suffice it to recall numerology and other delights of Kabbalah. A series of stable geometric figures from one - a point, to four - a square, and further, a good illustration of the described model, where the square appears to be a qualitatively new figure, compared to a point, line, triangle, however, performing the functions of a point only with increased stability and volume. In this series of ancient numbers, each number was assigned its own conceptual name. A person, for example, was designated by the number five - a star figure. It’s a curious coincidence, because it is under this number that we have the right to desire, which pushes us to the conclusion that a person differs from an animal in the presence of qualitatively new desires. Or to put it another way, in addition to instincts, we also have desires. But the number seven in many cultures was associated with an angel, i.e. from seven and above, a region inaccessible to man begins, the region of the divine. It is logical to assume that for us this will already have its expression in the area of ​​unconscious manifestations. The resulting system of natural rights and motives leads to the understanding that the impaired implementation of these rights can lead to the emergence of recurring situations in a person’s life. Depending on which perinatal matrix a person’s problems arose earlier, at the same stage these difficulties will acquire their addition and strengthening in the form of a violated right.
