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From the author: An article from the author’s online newsletter “The Pleasure of BEING!” - Today I sat down to write a letter in a great mood and with a feeling of happiness that seemed to come from nowhere, and, at the same time, I realized that there is nothing that could not bring it to me now. And the current state persistently demanded something lighter, brighter and more important. What could be more important than happiness? Happiness just like that! You will say, it’s easy to say, but what to do if you can’t just be happy like that: if things are up to your neck, if winter with its flus and colds has not yet gone away, and spring with its vitamin deficiency is already creeping closer and closer, if... (these Does everyone have enough “ifs” of their own)? What if I suggested that you learn and follow new rules? You follow the rules of hygiene, safety rules with electrical appliances, and traffic rules. Why not start following the rules of a happy life in the same way? Do you want to try? Just decide in advance to live by these rules every day so that they become your habit.1. Be grateful (see Issue 3)2. Smile (see Issue 2)3. Don't compare yourself to others and don't worry about what they think of you. In fact, a happy person will never pay attention to what his neighbor Marivanna says about him. Otherwise, he simply could not be so free and happy. You should never compare yourself with others, because there will always be someone whose career is developing more successfully or who has “longer legs.” You should trust your own sense of self. Also, you should not blame your son or daughter for not studying as well as Svetochka from the class. Your child may be talented in other things. And he will feel much happier (and at the same time you and him), you will also rejoice at his real abilities and small successes, and will not compare with other children. It is easier for a person as an individual to open up when he moves in his own direction.4. Find the positive and believe in better It is not so important what situations a person finds himself in, how important it is to be able to find the positive in them and believe in better. For a happy person, seeing the positive even in the bad becomes a habit. After all, failure can teach you something. Famous actress Julia Roberts admitted in one of her interviews: “Even in the most difficult moments of my life, since childhood, I knew: somewhere there is joy. Probably, I will have it too. You just need to live with the feeling of this joy, albeit distant, but existing. And if you live with this feeling, you are already happy. Even if the circumstances are so-so...”5. Talk to other people Talk to people for no particular reason. Be sincere in your interest in them, do not spare emotions, words and time to show sympathy. Even a few minutes of sincere communication will add a feeling of happiness to you and your interlocutor. A person may not remember what they talked to him about, but he will remember well how he felt at that moment. By the way, meeting new people and enriching social contacts dramatically increases the likelihood of being lucky and happy.6. Show kindnessKind deeds, no matter how small (finding an owner for a stray kitten, helping an old neighbor), provide people with the opportunity to experience a wider range of enjoyment in life and become happier.7. Take care of your body and soul It has long been known that short (even 20 minutes) daily exercise causes a so-called athletic high associated with the activation of endorphins, which can reduce pain, calm you down, and make smarter decisions in difficult situations. Meditation will help you listen more carefully. to the world around and inside you, relax after a working day, help you understand difficult situations, tune in to the future...And the development of spirituality can provide simple answers to the most complex questions.8. Do what you really like. This is something different for everyone: professional activity, playing tennis, classes
