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From the author: S-theoryTraining company PartnerCompensation for the violated right of “independence”, people dependent on this right, achieve either by exaggerating the level of their own knowledge and abilities. Moreover, this knowledge, as a rule, is quite superficial, because its purpose is to gain admiration from people around. The ability to show off your erudition, sense of humor or any other talent is most highly valued by these people. The basis of their life activity is an inferiority complex and, therefore, the selection of ways to compensate for this complex through their own importance. They strive to become great teachers, because they always know everything and are able to answer any question, or at least simply extraordinary and noticeable. These types of people are described very well in the works of Adler. Or they become a person of “service”, a passive slave of circumstances with an exaggerated complex of responsibility, based on the fact that the person himself feels guilty before everyone else. Trying to atone for this guilt, a person tries to love everyone. For him, love is the strongest form of service. An exaggerated desire to be good and loved leads them to overestimate the functions of love, leading them to a thirst to love another. Very often they are perceived by others as “altruists”, “unmercenary”, “nice people”, but at the same time such epithets as “fanatic”, “slippery person”, “soft lays, sleeps hard”, etc. can also be applied to them. d. They achieve their goals in more passive ways through the other person's dependence on them. They strive to be loved and use all available methods to achieve this, except openly aggressive ones, because they need to prove to themselves and everyone around them that they are good. Without receiving love from a specific person, they resort to suffering as a way to get at least some love from at least someone. Well, if not love, then at least pity. Presenting themselves in the light of “victims of circumstances,” they are prone to depression and repentance. For them, forgiving and loving are practically the same thing, which is why they so often ask for forgiveness with or without reason. After all, this is confirmation that they are loved, no matter what..
