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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” How to get rid of fear. Imagine!!!How to get rid of fear - this question worries many! Each of us is afraid of something. But today, not surprisingly, we will turn your attention to imagination! It turns out that Imagination helps us not only build our future, but also relieves us of fears! Let’s turn to the point of view of psychoanalysts! According to them, imagination protects our personality and fights negative experiences! Let's figure out how this happens: A baby is born. His self-awareness begins to actively develop. And now the little man reaches the age of three, when he begins to evaluate himself, his place in the world and his relationship with this world! His consciousness begins to form desires, expressed in the phrases: “I myself!”, “I want”... And then, suddenly, on the threshold of a new discovery of himself - he begins to feel the opposing force of the environment! It turns out that what he wants is not all available and not everything is allowed. The way a baby thinks is not entirely and not always approved... The image of reality that exists in the child’s mind contradicts the reflected reality itself. The inability to resolve this contradiction leads to an increase in internal tension. Negative experiences associated with social conflicts begin to accumulate. Anxiety and fear are born. This is where imagination (or rather, affective imagination) comes to the rescue! It completes the child’s picture of the world, neutralizes emotions and misunderstandings. What is BABA YAGA in the closet? – This is not a child’s aggression splashed out, objectified in a terrible image, directed against himself. And it is clear that the more contradictions, the more conflicting the environment, the more fears and the more a more developed imagination is required! You have already breathed a sigh of relief and said to yourself: "So simple! Fantasize and get rid of fears!!!”? - Take your time! It is very important to direct your consciousness in the right direction, otherwise you can only “inflate” and aggravate internal conflicts. Here are examples of proper fantasizing to get rid of fears: What is scary is what is little known. Try with your imagination to complete the image of the terrible BABA YAGA. Detail it: What kind of socks does she have? What about shoelaces? Maybe they have come loose and she is at risk of stumbling? How does she suffer when her last old tooth hurts? etc….Are you afraid of your boss? Then fantasize his life, or maybe just undress him... If you are afraid of heights, give her a tangible image, for example, a giant, etc. And how great the game helps us! Playing out a frightening situation with a child has a tremendous effect. And it’s better when the main character is not him, but, for example, a bear who is afraid of the dark... The game helps adults too. Simulate a frightening situation and live it in a softening form. Artists play out many of their fears on stage. Imagine yourself as your fear. Sit in the place of BABA YAGA in your closet!!! Read scary fairy tales to your children. The ending is always good! Based on the above, it is not difficult to explain the great role of creative activity in getting rid of fears. When we sculpt them, build them, draw them... we detail them, objectify them, and empathize with them! Convinced? Then we develop, fantasize, create and get rid of fears!!! No? We are waiting for your questions in the comments! To be continued...
