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Day after day Every day, day after day, we live according to some of our usual plans. We wake up, go about our business, meet people, go somewhere, come back, do something again, go to bed. During this period of time, every moment of it, we think and feel something. And these thoughts and feelings form our general state and attitude towards life. So, we, accustomed to something specific, form our usual opinions and actions. All people in the world have various kinds of needs that man, by virtue of his nature, tries to satisfy. The simplest examples include the need for food or sleep. You understand that you can resist them as much as you like, but we will satisfy them. But, there are needs of a higher level (psychological, social, emotional), some of which over time a person has learned to suppress for various reasons (but we are not talking about the reasons yet suppression). And our interrupted needs, which we suppress, form human negative reactions, which over time develop into character traits and are accompanied by some kind of emotions. A compressed spring of dissatisfaction forms the habit of reacting in a certain way, making us irritable, dissatisfied and complaining. This becomes part of us, and as a result turns into automatic habits of response, into automatic thoughts and feelings to the stimulus. In modern times, we do not notice them, and therefore we cannot change them, because they are not noticeable to us, much is seen from a distance. Such emotions accumulate in us, like in a vessel with a closed lid, and force us to form protective muscle frames and diseases. And also the most important factor is that a person either slowly or exaggeratedly releases steam from this pot with a closed lid at an unnecessary moment. This is how relationships develop in which we seem to try, but it always turns out somehow crooked. It seems like we are doing everything to improve our relationships or life situation, but everything falls apart all the time. Because we are in some relationships and situations in the past, and not in the present. We arrive with interrupted contacts, needs and emotions. And life goes on now. And now there are new needs and there are new reactions to them. But more often than not, many people live by old strategies that they have honed over the years to the point of mastery, and cannot give them up. How can you look at these mechanisms? Here is an exercise for you. It is very simple, but at the same time very complex. Let's get started. Try for a few minutes to compose phrases that express what you are currently aware of. Start your sentence with the words “now”, “at this moment”. Done, have you tried it? Now count how many statements were about the present moment, and how many were about abstract moments, moments of the past and future? Be honest with yourself. Author: psychologist Natalya Belyaeva. Skype - Nattanial, [email protected]PS On March 4, my new training on Skype “Everything is simple” begins. The training will help you understand why it is common for a person to make the same mistakes and what can be done about it. For more information about the training, see here: http://raduga-art.blogspot.ru/2012/02/blog-post.htmlP.PS for introduction we offer to take the first lesson for free. You can sign up for a lesson here http://raduga-art.blogspot.ru/2012/02/blog-post.html
