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From the author: ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THE MAGAZINE “IN THE CITY”, MYTISHCHI, KOROLEV, May 2012. Why Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, and how through celibacy people dream of getting to heaven. Only through a person can learn and develop his or her relationships to people and events. The closest and deepest relationships between people occur in couples. It is here that a person reveals himself fully, takes off all his masks and shows who he really is. All discipleship of the past era preached the spiritual path without a partner. These are Christ's brides, hermits, brahmacaris, etc. Each religion had its chaste ministers. As a rule, these people denied material life and after death rushed to return to Paradise. And this is not just like that. Paradise (Sat Bala or Shambhala) is the Father’s garden, which was located near the Father’s house. Adam and Eve frolicked in the garden with the animals, and the Father took care of them. Time passed and, like all children, Adam and Eve grew up and tasted the forbidden fruit - an apple (a symbol of fertilization). Eva became pregnant. The father saw that his children had grown up, and then he sent them to the Earth: “And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every animal...” Some people agreed with the Will of the Father and began to develop the material world with their lives on Earth. And some people still did not agree with the fact that they had become adults; they yearned for childhood times, for the “kindergarten”, where it was so warm, light and cozy, where they could only play and relax and not be responsible for anything. Then they chose a different path in their lives - to return to Paradise to the Father at all costs! Religions, in turn, without hesitation, offered a way to return: “Be like children, and you will go to the Heavenly Father.” So society was divided into two large camps. Some live, work, develop and create on Earth according to the Father’s plan. Others cry and yearn for their former life, repent of having grown up and ask to return to the Father. Many religious people, who believe in religion, but not in the Father, sought, bypassing physical intimacy, to find spiritual unity with a partner. But this turned out to be impossible. And not finding this closeness, they abandoned it altogether, choosing the path of loneliness. The disciples and religions of the past era believed that the physical body is an obstacle to achieving happiness and dreamed of incorporeal happiness, which is achievable in another world after death. Hence, the worldview was formed that bodily need is very base. As soon as a man or woman went completely into religion, they left the family, because they began to firmly believe that their partner with his “base desires” was preventing him from going back to the Father. Not being able to fulfill the Will of the Father - to combine and unite the two worlds into themselves - physical and subtle, unable to build relationships with a person of the opposite sex, running away from their development and movement forward, such people only dreamed of illusory happiness in the Father’s garden. And since all religions, monasteries and churches on Earth were ruled by Lucifer, it was completely It is clear who benefited from people remaining in the understanding, like little children who can be directed along the wrong path - in the opposite direction from the Father. Many people, wise by the intellect of Lucifer, instead of developing human life, developed the plan of Satan, abandoned their families and went to monasteries. History knows only a few people who were able to sublimate sexual energy and direct it to the development of their higher bodies. The rest were unable to cope with their human nature, with the energy of gender. And it was in the monasteries that the birth of homosexuality and lesbianism began - the path of human degradation. The Catholic Church today blesses same-sex marriages. Well, in the main temple of our country - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - premises are rented out to the “high society” for banquets and other entertainment events. Well, Lucifer’s plan was partly successful...
