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The rays of the sun have finally broken through the dull gray sky, nature is coming to life after a long winter hibernation, warm April and the fragrant May colors are ahead. Is your mood still low? Do you constantly want to sleep, is your work tiring, is life not making you happy? What can we do? Every six months our body is forced to adapt to climate change, and this adjustment does not happen without consequences. Experts call this a depressive state, that is, there is no full-fledged depression yet, but there are prerequisites. Hence the decline in physical and mental strength. In addition, stress factors that provoke the spring blues are often overload at work, changes in hormonal levels, and family troubles, explains Oleg Selitsky, a psychologist at the Minsk City Clinical Center for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy:—From the point of view of psychology, we perceive the transition from the autumn-winter season most acutely. season to spring-summer and vice versa. That is, in fact, every six months we sum up an intermediate life result: what have I achieved, where have I failed, where to move next. And already when answering the first question, all the prerequisites for a depressive state may arise, especially if there are health problems, your personal life has not worked out, you had to endure the loss of your job, or there is no confidence in the future. Even one of these points is enough to unsettle us. Therefore, it is not surprising that at this time people are often depressed. In order to be guaranteed to lift your spirits, you need to come to grips with precisely that area of ​​life that is most stalled. Put things in order. Have an affair, get a job, improve your body health. An integrated approach With the implementation in practice of the desires to have an affair and get a job, everything is more or less clear: try, try, do at least something, and luck will definitely knock on your door. But with the improvement of the body, you need to take into account a significant nuance. If your general physical and psychological state is unbalanced, vitamins alone will clearly not be enough for you. We need an integrated approach. “Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to recharge yourself with positivity,” emphasizes Oleg Selitsky. — Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors during daylight hours: walk, run, ride a bike. Light physical activity improves tone and overall well-being, as it promotes the production of endorphins, which have a positive effect on a person’s emotional state. Introduce citrus fruits, greens, and vegetables into your diet. Do not overuse low-calorie diets, but you should not indulge in fatty foods, smoked foods, or sweets. Be sure to normalize your sleep: quality rest will help improve brain activity. If the measures taken do not help within a week, there is no need to self-medicate with medications, it is better to consult a doctor. By the way, the signs of a spring depressive state are varied, but a decline in mental and emotional health is certainly observed. physical strength. Recognizing the April blues is not so difficult: most likely, we are talking about it if you have 3-4 of the following symptoms for a long time: irritability, bad mood, physical weakness, anxiety, insomnia, headache, lethargy of thinking.
