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We are all different to each other. You can forget about it with strangers, but not with your loved ones. You can't do it with them. Especially in the most difficult times, when you automatically want to “measure” them according to your own understanding and leave out the fact that the other person is nothing more than an image that we have put together in our heads from what this other person wanted to show us about himself a man, chaotically gluing scraps of his general portrait onto a huge canvas of his own expectations. If you try really hard, you will get the perfect image, which you can then pull on your partner. Where it is too small, add a little value, and where it is too big, depreciate it a little. You will get a completely worthy object for love. I think the first step is the same for everyone - to create the desired image of your loved one from what you have. Many call this a relationship, and when the image made up of our dreams begins to crumble into separate threads, burst at the seams and becomes completely unusable, they believe that it is time to end the relationship: love has passed. And it hasn’t even begun yet. You need to prepare for love. Gradually get used to thinking about your partner as someone else, but as your own. What has come to you is yours by right, and it’s up to you to deal with it. Take off masks, find words, touch, penetrate. Making what is yours is hard work, because everything that is yours is as imperfect as we are. And it will never become as beautiful as in your dreams. Because in dreams everything is flat, one-sided, there is no dark side - everything is only good, bright. But in life everything is three-dimensional, sometimes incomprehensible, just as it is. And even if the motives and beliefs of this other, but our own person seem strange to us, or we do not share them or do not even understand them at all, we must try to realize and accept them - this is preparation for love, and not what we were in childhood They dreamed about it and then waited all their lives for it to come. Nothing will work out that way. To love is to want to touch what really exists in a person. Experience disappointment, give up expectations, see the truth, admit it, and still at some point stay instead of leaving. Here. With someone else, but his own. Difficult? Very! But then you can only love.
