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This is a difficult state, as if the lights were turned off, the ground was knocked out from under your feet, and oxygen was cut off. There's emptiness inside. Something is lost, there are no thoughts, no desires, there is no very support that seemed unshakable, eternal. What actually served as a support? Where did this terrible state of confusion and apathy come from? Let's look at what most people rely on.1. Money. Money gives you a feeling of freedom and success. “If there is money, there will be a normal, happy life” - such an attitude can affect your life exactly the opposite. Big money brings with it great responsibility, the role of “anxious watchman” and fear of poverty. If a person considers money to be the basis of his well-being, then losing it leads him to despair. For some, this becomes such a terrible blow that they are ready to say goodbye to life. The essence of the drama lies in a few words: “I had everything...now I have nothing!”2. Love. Brings with it a joyful emotional uplift, a feeling of flight, energy. But relying on love and making the “loved person” the meaning of your life is very risky. Fear of loss, extreme vulnerability, vulnerability appears. Fears and anxiety dictate their will. Alas, not every “love” survives to see the golden wedding. If a person is deprived of such “support”, then he “does not have enough oxygen”, depression and loss of strength sets in. He complains that he has nothing to live for, the meaning of everything around him is lost. The presence of the “beloved” becomes so important that one’s own life seems small and insignificant. The phrase “I’m not interested in myself” is often said.3. Friends. It's wonderful when there are people nearby who can always help and come to the rescue. But when the importance of friendship is exaggerated and becomes the center of life, disappointments are possible. Friends cannot always be there; they have their own families and worries. A person who relies on friends begins to feel “superfluous” and increasingly suffers from loneliness. If he does not find any other “support”, he experiences great mental discomfort. His student life is over, but he doesn’t know what to do about it.4. Parents. It would seem that this is where the real support is. But this is where the biggest pain comes. Children, regardless of their age, consider their parents immortal. In the parental home they always love, they will never betray, they will advise. And suddenly a void forms, the “support” is knocked out from under your feet. A series of joyless days is coming. The stronger the “support” was, the longer and harder the way out of the lost state.5. Children. Those who believe that “children are the meaning of life, they are hope and support” part with such a statement very painfully. Firstly, children themselves do not always want to be someone’s “crutch” and listen to the fact that they have “rested their whole lives on them,” and secondly, this makes parents overly anxious, intrusive, and despotic. They carefully watch every step of their “child”, and if it begins to move away, then for them it becomes a tragedy.6. State. It’s customary to scold, criticize, call him names, but... it’s okay to wait for your pension, gain experience and demand excursions from the trade union at half the price. It is unfulfilled hopes that lead to discontent and sadness. The “support”, which should be “real”, for some reason bends and one does not want to give the person the desired peace of mind, confidence and joy of life. Despite this, some people continue to give responsibility for their lives to the state, grieve, criticize and look for that very “support”. We have listed just a few possible options. Now attention! Do you feel like something is missing? Here's a hint: Imagine a house. Outside, it is surrounded on all sides by excellent, fresh supports. But if you remove them, it will collapse. Why? He's rotten inside! Everyone knows that a good strong house does not need supports. He is not afraid of either storms or wind. The same can be said about people. Please note that all of the options listed are in the outside world. Any lost external "support" will be there for you!
