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From the author: Inspired by.... Life happens, it breaks us, knocking the ground out from under our feet... And then the psychologist acts as “crutches”, with the help of which a person needs to start taking small steps . After some time, this person begins to take more confident and sustainable steps. Then he tries to take more steps and hurray!!! It turns out!!! Having felt the confidence of small steps with support, you can try without “crutches”, first strengthen yourself in small steps, and then you will be able to independently take more steps, then faster, and only then start running and enjoying life, sometimes remembering the “crutches” “, that they once turned out to be useful to you... But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance... Life has been “broken”... This happens to absolutely everyone, it’s just that everyone has a “fracture” in their own place, or maybe just a “crack” .You can still tinker with a crack yourself, but with a fracture we go for “crutches.” You can choose simpler, cheaper ones, you can choose exclusive, expensive ones. The assortment is large and there are “crutches” for every taste. The choice is made! And so the man took the “crutches” under his armpit and immediately tried to run to the finish line, and even against the clock!!! Of course you fall, it’s a turning point! With “crutches” under his arm, he tries to crawl, and not just crawl, but quickly, so as to be sure to make it in time! And he himself doesn’t know where to be in time, but he has to hurry... Of course, it’s impossible to run away right away, of course it hurts, of course, anger, resentment, misunderstanding, aggression, hatred of everyone around you and yourself in particular immediately appear! Among all these feelings, the question may arise: “Why don’t the “crutches” actually work???” Doubts arise about the quality of those same crutches. “Of course, I took the cheapest ones, I wanted to save money, they would have helped.” Some people will think: “I overpaid for a Chinese counterfeit, and they also showed me certificates...”. Others will think. But the whole point is that you need to use “crutches” correctly!!! Don’t carry around your armpit all your life, crawl, lie down and complain that you can’t run, don’t exchange one “crutches” for others, devaluing their performance, but recognize your TEMPORARY pain at this stage of life, lean on the “crutches” and take SEVERAL small steps with their support!!! Of course, this is everyone’s choice. You can care for and cherish your favorite “crutches” all your life, wipe the dust off them, and even paint them like Khokhloma. You can change them every week. And you can get support, support when you really need it!!! Continue to live an INDEPENDENT life, feeling solid ground under your feet!!!
