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From the author: An article written about three years ago, but which has not lost its relevance today, slightly lifting the veil of the other world. I remember the hazy faces of the Stars, the outlines of the skies, Snow-capped mountains, Unbridled interest... Ancient countries dimly emerge From oblivion, the awakening of the earth ,As if out of nowhere, the sun caravansKnowledge carrying ships. The breath of the past is felt from our first loud statements to the Universe at birth: “I am again on planet Earth and again we need to start all over again”...And this sonorous birth is a kind of protest, rejection of that original and limiting form , which for quite a long time must hide the true face of the being, which we call the Spirit, or the higher “I”. We come again and again to once again write our own book of life, walk the roads of pain and suffering, joy and happiness and leave again, without fully realizing why? Three-dimensional reality, limited by space and time, does not allow us to see all the beauty of the cosmic mystery and Divine plan. But that is the beauty of the whole game of life, that the unknown attracts and beckons, awakens curiosity with fantastic images and whimsical forms that we discover again and again, as if for the first time... Once you go beyond the limits of three-dimensional reality and realize the continuity of existence, you listen with your whole being to the reasonableness of the plan and the joy of being. And with this feeling we take another step towards an unknown, incomprehensible and still imperfect discovery. For we are no longer able to hold back the onslaught of the Spirit in its desire to reveal to the rest of our nature the whole truth about who we really are. The wind of eternity tears away the mysterious veil of death thanks to self-knowledge, connecting different worlds and states. And we will fully begin to feel this new, transforming ability to perceive a new reality after the landmark year 12/21/2012, when a powerful passage into the world of four/five dimensions opens and together with we will be able to harmoniously tune into the planet. Otherwise, those who naively prefer not to notice changes, ignoring them or innocently believing that everything will work out on its own, will have a difficult dilemma: wake up, even if the sleepiness is so pleasant, or start looking reality in the eye , which means readiness for transformation, after which further transformation is possible*. Humanity has always had the desire to penetrate into the essence of things that separate life and death, past and future. Priests and wise men, saints and sages, gnostics and yogis, mystics and occultists , mediums and spiritualists, each in their own way, established connections with the invisible worlds. For each of them, the truth flowed through the prism of their beliefs and worldview. And to call these insights and revelations exhaustive or, on the contrary, unreliable means to consider the area of ​​the transcendent narrowly and limitedly. And today there are various ways of “communicating” and interacting with the “shadow”, otherworldly reality. Each of them deserves attention and thoughtful consideration. Among them there are eternal meditative methods, as well as modern versions of ancient techniques. The Tibetan and Egyptian “Books of the Dead” describe the intermediate state of a person before his new incarnation, and also teach the art of dying, revealing the secret of the afterlife. And modern methods of self-knowledge are not far behind, inviting us to look into our past, re-experience our own death, birth and preparation for the current incarnation. Among them we can highlight regressive hypnosis, rebirthing, suggestion, lucid dreams, yogic techniques. Each of the listed, as well as unmentioned methods, has its pros and “cons”, which must be considered in the context of individual differences and preferences. I offer the reader my own, author’s methods that shed light on many secrets of our past. Each of us at least once in our lives has experienced a peculiar state of déjà vu, when a certain action or the event is exactly likein the mirror, has already been repeated. And despite the fact that these memories are often fragmentary and incoherent in nature and only vaguely remind us of something that happened to us earlier, they do not leave us indifferent. This happened to me more than once, in various , hitherto unfamiliar corners of the earth and in already familiar places or situations, when suddenly, in an instant, as if a flash of insight, a strange feeling of identity of the present moment with the past rolled in. On the one hand, this strengthened my faith in the ability of reincarnation, and on the other hand, it unobtrusively pointed to threads from the past woven into my current existence. In any case, there were many more questions than affirmative answers to them. The study of astrology, numerology, Tarot cards, lucid dreams and meditative techniques was not in vain, lifting the veil of the past. But which one? Previous? Distant? Parallel reality? Or maybe existence is a continuous process occurring in different dimensions-realities, and our life is nothing more than a projection/fragment of the consciousness of the OVERSOUL created by us - a hologram limited by space-time? For me today it is as clear as day. In addition, modern science - quantum physics - is increasingly coming to this opinion. A natural continuation of my own research was dowsing, which dotted the blank spots of my personal history of the past. On the one hand, it confirmed many insights, and on the other, it expanded the boundaries of my understanding of distant events. The dowsing method allowed me to determine not only the estimated date of previous birth and death, but also the place of life, the direction and sphere of life interests, the connection of the past incarnation with the assimilation current life lessons. What’s most remarkable is that there is no mysticism in this. The letters, numbers and geometric patterns that make up the necessary information are placed in a completely unexpected order, which makes the process of diagnosing the past not only exciting, but also absolutely unbiased and as accurate as possible. Moreover, this a diagnostic workshop is absolutely safe, accessible and can really help resolve many current problems and difficult situations, thanks to a conscious look into the past. And thanks to the launch of the insight mechanism, it is possible to review and rethink the essence of important events, a course of action, a certain behavioral reaction in the present. And this can connect together the whole picture of the problem or life lesson being observed, which allows you to find acceptable and effective ways to resolve or learn it. However, you should not rely on one method, even if it seems completely useful/accurate to you. In my particular case, dowsing is built on an intuitive, kinesthetic sensation (clairsentience or claircognizance/feeling), confirmed by lucid dreams, meditative insights and, most importantly, the very life. In many ways, this becomes possible thanks to the author’s method ENERGY INFORMATION HEALING, which allows you to scan/“view” (with your inner vision) the situations of loved ones who passed away too early or did not have time to tell us the most important thing. It is also possible to find the true cause of an unresolved dispute or conflict, suicide or disaster, tragic death under unclear circumstances. But most importantly, this type of therapy is especially valuable in self-help. Unlike regressive hypnosis, a person consciously “lives/changes” a traumatic event, violent death and other unpleasant memories, noting for oneself important milestones of previous incarnations or unpleasant lessons/situations of childhood, consciously reprograms these areas of the subconscious/memory. Moreover, he literally “discovers” his own nature of light, once again beginning to use his unlimited possibilities of self-healing and holistic change/transformation. My professional way of “communicating” with the past took place, oddly enough, through viewing the future and its situations in
