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As a rule, people come to a psychologist to solve a specific issue or clarify the causes of their problems. Whether it's anxious behavior, low self-esteem or repeated failures in life. The specialist will work with the request you made, it may take time to formulate it correctly. Perhaps as the work progresses, new details and causes of the current problem situation will emerge. Or maybe the initial request implies the importance of working on a completely different plane, although everything is interconnected and it is difficult to deny the importance of any issue. It also happens that in one or two meetings the request is resolved and the person no longer needs the help of a psychologist. No matter how the work turns out, it is important to remember that the psychologist will follow you, your feelings and therefore the timing may be different. Moreover, each therapeutic session will be promote the development of reflection and awareness of the client, his ability to feel and find benefit from his experiences without avoiding them. Mindfulness is the development of the ability to notice his feelings and distinguish between them. In accordance with this, the possibility of choosing develops: to show this or that feeling (for example, anger) or not. And only when we have the ability to notice feelings, then we will not follow them automatically. And then we can choose: whether to express our anger directly and to what extent, simply allow it to be (noting to ourselves what is happening to me) or block it (I hope for a while) - hold back our anger so as not to run into big troubles, and upon arrival home, have a good time on your pillow)) Reflection is the ability to understand yourself, your feelings and see different sides of your “I”. Which increases the ability to choose: how I want and can act in a given situation, why I did exactly that, etc. And if, after recognizing oneself, comes the acceptance of one’s versatile personality, then it is not far from harmony with oneself and by your own choice. Which also enhances your own freedom in life! Yes, you can seek therapy to learn to live more freely. Learn to feel and accept yourself. Take responsibility for yourself and your experiences. Therapy is a step towards a freer self. Now I draw your attention to the word “More”! Because solving all your requests, the process of accepting yourself and your responsibility takes time. But increased awareness already gives freedom, although not in all those manifestations as sometimes desired. You should not idealize the results of therapy, but you can only stop at “More” - as step by step towards your new self. Tatyana Zavatskaya, psychologist, gestalt therapist. Sign up for a consultation by phone number, in the contacts section 🧡
