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Everyone has a comfort zone, and everyone has their own. For some, it extends “all the way to the entire sofa,” for others, to the whole world. A warm home, a comfortable sofa, nourishing and tasty food - all this is a comfortable environment. This is a person’s physical comfort, and this is the external framework. The comfort zone is more of a psychological concept, it is a person’s state of consciousness. “Am I okay? Am I protected? Am I prosperous?” These are our internal frameworks. What are the dangers of the comfort zone? The fact is that it cannot have the same boundaries forever. If you don't expand them, they will begin to narrow. Being constantly in the comfort zone, we do not gain new experience, that is, we do not develop. An example of a very narrow comfort zone is the comfort zone of a drug addict while high: as long as he holds the drug, then it’s good; As soon as you begin to let go, the whole world becomes a complete stress. Narrowing your comfort zone is a path to regression. You may ask: what about those sages who abandoned many benefits and began to be content with little - are they also degrading? No, they have just expanded their comfort zone so much that they feel good everywhere, everywhere is like a home for them, their home is where they are. And this is the other pole of “narrowing - expanding the comfort zone.” I'm not asking you to leave your golden cage, no. If you feel good there and are happy with life, then so be it. Another question is, if you want changes, then yes, you cannot get a new result by acting according to old templates. One girl, earning $500 a month, dreamed of a salary of $1000, and that somehow the work would be more interesting, not just “shift papers.” And now she is offered a more interesting job with a salary of $2,000, but in another city. And what is she? She refused, because there are a lot of “what if...”, because it’s outside her comfort zone. And now who knows, maybe if she had taken this step, she would have met “the one” there, and would have been separated from her parents At the age of 26, and would have advanced in her career, they offered to head the branch as a manager. But... she is so accustomed to living with her parents, in her hometown, and she has the right to this. No one will force her to do good. I weighed the pros and cons and made a decision. All. Work hard and have fun. And don’t whine that your knowledge is passive, and you can’t apply it in life. In this case, it is important to make a decision consciously, so that later you don’t torment yourself with suffering like “what if it were good there.” You'll never know unless you try. Therefore, when she decides to stay, she needs to admit that this is what she needs. For her $500, she bears a minimum of responsibility and eats her mother's hot cakes. It’s her choice, period. Don’t be afraid to try new things, if you don’t like it, you can go back. You should alternate between going out into the outside world and staying in your comfort zone; this will allow you to function successfully and at the same time remain full of energy. Moderation in everything gives balance. Believing that my comfort zone is correct and that this is the only way to live is also not useful. Why? Life does not stand still, in every country some changes are constantly happening, and if we do not keep up with the times, we will simply get lost. Those who are more flexible, those who do not cling to the old and can adapt to changes, win. This is the law of survival and natural selection. I once wrote in one of my articles about mice in three cages, and those that were sometimes taken out of their comfort zone turned out to be much more viable than the “greenhouse flowers” ​​- mice that were given luxurious conditions. I would like to end the article with the words of the Rear Admiral of the US Navy Grace Hopper, he said: A ship is safer in port, but that is not what it was built for. Our bodies need comfort, but our personality is not benefited from this comfort. And if you decide to leave your comfort zone, then you must do it consciously and know why. That is, there should be)
