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From the author: Psychosis occurs when parts of the psyche that are potentially capable of cognition are destroyed. W. Bion. The development in a child of his internal potential, creative potential, thinking and the ability to think begins with cognition. Knowing yourself, your mental reality. Knowing yourself begins with knowing the mother. The baby strives to know itself through the mother. He then experiences the world around him, which includes people, objects and relationships. The newborn conveys his feelings, fears, emotions to the mother, projecting them into her so that she accepts and recognizes them, contains them. A mother has the ability to dream, that is, the ability to think lovingly about her baby - to pay attention to him, to try to understand him. Her thinking transforms the child's feelings into a learned and bearable experience. The infant then introjects the thinking mother and identifies with her, and also introjects his own, but already modified, feelings. (W. Bion) By learning about his experiences through his mother, the baby learns to cope with them. In this way, a new structure is formed - the Ego of reality, capable of thinking and cognizing mental qualities in itself and in others. In such an Ego there is a difference between the conscious and the unconscious, between wakefulness and sleep, fantasy and reality. This is a normal psyche, the formation of which depends both on the baby (innate instincts) and on the mother. For example, a baby cries, he doesn’t know why, but he feels discomfort or experiences anxiety, etc. A good enough mother, capable of dreaming about him, is able to endure his experience (without falling into uncontrollable anxiety, aggression, helplessness, etc.) and return it to him in a digestible form. She experiences this in herself and returns to the baby his experience, which she already understands, designating and naming it and calming the baby. She understands that her baby is crying, for example, because of colic and her actions will be aimed at eliminating his pain and calming him, are adequate ( she will not give him a breast or pacifier on every occasion, cry with him or yell at him). The emotional availability of the mother is the most important element on the path to the healthy development of the baby’s psyche. When the mother is available, when she can cope with the anxiety that relentlessly accompanies the early years of motherhood (although most likely all the years of motherhood), for the child this means - there is no presence of fear, you don’t have to be afraid, I’m nearby. Then he can engage in research and knowledge of the environment. If the mother is inaccessible, constantly busy with her various experiences and thoughts, her “container” is occupied and the child has nowhere to put his experiences. Then, one more thing is added to his worries and now the most important thing is - what will happen to my mother, what will happen to me!? This anxiety inhibits the normal development of the psyche. The child becomes fixated on the fear of losing his mother. Anxiety about the mother’s condition does not allow the possibility of cognition to be realized. This can be observed in how children are clingy to their mothers, how the mother’s loss from the child’s field of vision causes horror in him, etc. Even if a mother is with her child around the clock, this does not mean that she is truly present for him! This means that in most of their communications she is not available to him. She is next to him, but not together. The problem of the mother’s emotional unavailability lies in her personal experience of infancy. Thus, I want to say again that a necessity for good emotional and mental development of the child’s personality is an emotionally available mother, capable of experiencing the worries of her baby, designating them; reflect and dream about it; capable of helping a child develop based on the principle of reality.
