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From the author: Sergey Ryaboy is the head of the development center “The Path to Yourself” in Odessa. Together with his wife Laura, they are the owners of 3 of their own businesses. They are also therapists in regressive hypnosis, processors in the RPT method (Reference Point Therapy), personal Coaches and business consultants, consultants in Positive Psychotherapy techniques, NLP method for working with psychosomatic illnesses, etc. Continuation of the article: Money and its energy (part 1). The importance of money. In the previous article, I hope I expressed clearly enough what money is. I repeat: money is one of the tools of our world. And what is even more important: money is also difficult to learn to use, like, for example, a computer. Yes, some people have enough skills to use mail and a search engine, while others learn to create a new operating system, but the basis is, in fact, the same. It’s harder at a high level, but nothing is impossible. Let’s look at what hinders us most from achieving financial freedom. History. The father once again says to his son: “We don’t have money for this toy!” And it’s not even that the father may just want to give his son a gift (but secretly for his birthday), or he really doesn’t have money. The fact is that the subconscious has accepted this attitude. We need to make a small digression and decide what the subconscious is. After many years of practicing working with the subconscious, I don't know. Honestly. But from my own experience I know some things that definitely work. The most useful thing for us is that everything that is in the subconscious is what we have in real life. And it doesn’t matter whether it concerns some kind of transcendental experience, or simply the belief that making money is easier than ever. What the subconscious believes in surrounds us. In addition, all our attitudes, habits, experience, memory and much, much more live in it. The critical factor is the guard that stands between our consciousness and subconscious. And when we say, “I am successful,” this attitude from consciousness moves into the subconscious and encounters a guard. And something like this happens: the critical factor first checks whether there is anything in the subconscious that is already relevant to the belief whether a person is successful or not. And if there is even the slightest negative experience that confirms that a person is “not successful,” the guard turns the attitude back in a very harsh manner. That is, it simply does not reach the subconscious. Now think about the things you do to achieve success in the financial sector. You may have found the answer to why many techniques do not work. There are two ways to pass the critical factor: 1) Trance state. Alternatively, you can repeat a positive attitude constantly, and there is a high chance that a habit will develop so strong that you will be able to repeat this attitude in a trance state. As you know, a person is in a trance dozens of times a day (we very often drive a car in this state, not always remembering exactly how we got to our destination). But practice shows that we have to wait a very long time for such a trance state in which we remember the installation and launch it into the subconscious without leaving the trance. Plus, we face another difficulty: the longer the installation is in the subconscious, the stronger it is. And now the situation: a person in the third month of psychological work was still able to introduce the attitude “I am successful” into his subconscious. And there this attitude is met by a trauma that is already 25 years old, from childhood, for example. The outcome of the struggle is clear. 2) Strong emotional experience. Have you promised yourself to run in the morning? Well, maybe you know such people. So, usually such promises are made with very strong emotions. The attitude flies straight into the subconscious, and the person runs. They run for a month, two, three... Although very few reach such a period. The fact is that the old installation has not gone away. And as soon as the emotions have subsided, the person finds
