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Spoiler title Expanding spoiler text Now it is very fashionable to plan your life: engage in coaching; draw up wish cards; draw Neurographics. Does all this work? It works for sure! But the question is how many percent of all this will come to life? An example from practice and, by the way, quite common. A girl really wants to marry a smart, rich, handsome man. She went through relationship coaching (not me), drew up a portrait of a potential husband, drew up a wish map, drew many, many neurographic drawings. But no desires come true! The question is why? Besides our desires, there is still life!!! Of course, your life depends on you, but let’s be realistic - not 100%. You are in the real World and this world has absolutely no time for your desires. This world is alive and well absolutely regardless of you. And this world doesn’t care whether you made a plan for your life or not. Therefore, before you feel like God, think about this or remember you are not God. You have an inner world - it is 100% yours. And there is an outer world and here, nothing depends 100% on you! There are no people in the world except you and their desires may not coincide with yours at all! Therefore, apart from the phrase: “I want!” There is a phrase: “I can!” And you don’t need to forget about it! Forget about it and your life will become like a nightmare! Moreover, you risk losing such a valuable quality as perception of the world around you. And you will earn a “God complex”. You will begin to hate life, lose friends and be terribly disappointed in all the techniques for fulfilling desires. Instead of desires, think about your capabilities! Look at this world not through the eyes of a wizard who fulfills absolutely all desires, but through the eyes of an ordinary resident planet Earth. Accept this World without transforming or changing it in any way. Don’t build highways in your inner World, learn to walk along real roads in the outer World. And believe me, it’s interesting! Life planning is wonderful! But this planning must take into account the real outside world and its manifestations, contact with this world, your interaction with it. And then your desires will definitely begin to come true!
