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It is far from immediately possible to understand that this is a narcissist. Narcissists skillfully play different roles, get used to the “correct” images, and brilliantly win over a partner. Only this whole idyll does not last long. Sweet demo and idealization are followed by harsh devaluation, consumer use and disposal. Is it possible to recognize a narcissist on the first date, during the first communication? For some of them, all the signs are visible to the naked eye. Someone carefully adjusts and disguises himself. Yes, and you look at a person biasedly, perhaps with loving eyes. These are the main signs that indicate that this is a narcissist. Yes, if these are a couple of signs, then it’s too early to draw conclusions. But if a significant proportion of them match your new friend or acquaintance, then be careful - it is quite likely that this is a narcissist. 1) Obsession with one’s appearance, with how he/she looks Pays a lot of attention to this issue. Shows off, constantly looks in the mirror, constantly takes selfies, etc. 2) Tries to please everyone and charm everyone You look at such a person and notice that it is very important for him to be liked by everyone, to evoke admiration from everyone. He/she spares no resources for this. 3) Begins to praise himself/herself Some casually, others quite directly and clumsily. They love to emphasize their achievements, even which in fact are not particularly significant. They will talk a lot about how good they are, etc. 4) A consumer attitude towards people will slip into their speech. They love to use people. One way or another, it will be said that someone is useful, you need to be friends with someone, “keep face,” and so on. 5) They behave differently with people of different “layers.” They like to divide people into different castes and layers. During communication, you can see how for one person he puts on a mask of a good boy, for another he is a kind patron, and he treats a third person as a “third-class” person.6) She/he carefully adapts to you through different “channels” The narcissist will repeat your the same phrases, will use your wording, and carefully adapt to you. This is how he tries to quickly gain your trust. 7) Speaks flawlessly, exactly what is needed at the moment. Always says as needed and exactly what is needed at the current moment. In words, it is impossible to find fault with him - an ideal, almost holy man. 8) Abstract and vague formulations regarding his life and past Everything is very superficial. This is in order to hide unpleasant moments in order to maintain a flawless image. He may insert for the sake of eloquence about some unusual hobby, but in reality it turns out that he/she is very familiar with it. And his/her life is simply not that exciting. Rather, he himself likes to describe it as such. 9) He/she almost immediately begins to idealize you. There will be a lot of compliments and talk about the fact that he/she has been looking for you all his life. That everyone around you is unworthy, and only you are special. This is already the stage of idealization with the obligatory love bombing in action. 10) Reacts painfully to other people's success Cannot stand it when others are praised. When someone is given attention. 11) Likes to lie and embellish At some moments you understand that he/she is clearly making things up. But you look at a person with loving eyes and forgive him for this. 12) Reacts sharply to criticism, does not tolerate other opinions. His opinion is his. The other opinions are wrong. Reluctantly listens to someone else's position. 13) Characterizes other people negatively to a greater extent. It often slips out almost immediately that everyone is jealous of him, plotting against him. It’s just a generally rather negative background for assessing his surroundings and people in general. 14) Pays a lot of attention to the image of your couple. Focuses not on what you feel good together now. And how you look, what they say about you. 15) All his/her exes were terrible. Often speaks badly about exes. Everyone was abnormal, hysterical, jealous, ruined his/her life, etc. You understand, soon you too will be in
