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“Intellect itself has not made anyone happy... A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” Cecile Lupan, author of the book “Believe in your child.” Are gifted children a blessing or a burden? How to behave with a child prodigy? We often hear about gifted children, but not all adults know who gifted children, child prodigies are, and what “creativity” is. Often in conversation we hear about abilities and inclinations. I wanted to structure all this to make it more understandable. To do this, I read a lot of literature and developed and conducted two trainings on children’s giftedness: with teachers and psychologists. The pedagogical encyclopedia says that giftedness is a quality of the psyche that systematically develops throughout life, which determines a person’s ability to achieve higher (unusual, extraordinary) levels. performance in one or more activities compared to other people. “Wunderkind” literally means “wonderful child.” As a rule, preschool or primary school age, with extraordinary, brilliant success in any particular type of activity - in music, drawing, singing, etc. Intellectual prodigies occupy a special place among such children. These are precocious children, whose capabilities are manifested in an extremely high advanced rate of mental development. They are characterized by extremely early, from the age of two to three years, mastering reading and counting, and choosing complex activities of their own free will. “Capable” - in V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary is defined as fit for something or inclined, dexterous, suitable, convenient; in S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, “ability” is natural giftedness, talent. However, it is a mistake to consider abilities as innate, given by nature - only anatomical and physiological characteristics, i.e., inclinations that underlie the development of abilities, can be innate. Arising on the basis of inclinations, abilities develop in the process of human life; outside of activity, no abilities can develop. No person, no matter what inclinations he has, can become a talented film director, actor, journalist, musician or artist without doing a lot and persistently in the corresponding activity. Based on the same inclinations, unequal abilities can develop, depending on the nature of the activity, living conditions, surrounding people and many other factors and nuances of the individual. From the above definitions, the following is clear: from birth, a child can receive the inclinations for a certain activity or several. Under appropriate conditions, abilities develop. And talent for one or more types of activity is manifested. But if a child with musical or artistic inclinations is born into a working family, there is not much chance of developing his abilities. Mozart had a chance because he was born into a family of musicians. Although, from my own experience, I know that modern parents try to give maximum opportunities for the development of their children. A variety of clubs, sections, and electives in preschool institutions and schools contribute to this. And it is especially important to understand your special children. After all, a gifted child is very different from his peers. A.G. Petrovsky considers the structure of giftedness to consist of “essential important abilities.” He notes: “The first personality trait that can be highlighted is attentiveness, composure, constant readiness for hard work. The second feature of the personality of a highly gifted child is inextricably linked with the first; it is that his readiness to work develops into a penchant for work, into diligence, into an irrepressible need to work. The third group of features is relateddirectly with intellectual activity: these are features of thinking, speed of thought processes, systematicity of the mind, increased capabilities of analysis and generalization, high productivity of mental activity.” L.S. Vygotsky proceeded from the position that only such learning is developmental if it is based on the zone of proximal development. Development must be carried out taking into account consequential prerequisites. Because L.S. Vygotsky views giftedness as a genetically determined component of abilities that develops in appropriate activities or degrades in its absence. It is important for the adults close to a gifted child to remember the peculiarities of communication between their child and peers. Whitmore (1880), studying the reasons for the vulnerability of gifted children, cited the following factors: 1. The pursuit of excellence. Gifted children will not rest until they reach the highest level. The desire for excellence manifests itself early.2. Feeling of invulnerability. They are critical of their own achievements and are often dissatisfied, hence low self-esteem.3. Unrealistic goals. Not being able to reach them, they begin to worry. The desire for excellence is the force that leads to high results.4. Hypersensitivity. A gifted child is more vulnerable. Considered hyperactive and distractible because... constantly reacts to various kinds of irritants and stimuli.5. Need for adult attention. Often monopolizes the attention of adults. This causes friction in relationships with other children who are annoyed by the desire for such attention.6. Intolerance. They often treat children who are inferior to them in intellectual development with intolerance. They can alienate others with expressions of contempt or envy. When preparing material for a seminar on working with gifted children, I found a characteristic of a gifted preschool child. · Gifted children are inventive in play and activities. · Their talent in the field of communication is quite evident. · They are extremely curious about how this or that object works. Able to monitor several processes at the same time. · Have excellent memory combined with early language development. · Have a large vocabulary, invent their own words. · Do not tolerate having a ready-made answer imposed on them. · Some gifted people have increased mathematical abilities, which can affect their progress in reading.· They are distinguished by a long period of concentration and great persistence in solving a problem.· They react sharply to social and public injustice, often fight for the truth.· Children are often unfairly accused of lying, which manifests itself in them as fantasizing and writing. Their vivid imagination does not distinguish reality from fiction.· They are sensitive to humor.· They are very eloquent and original in their characterizations. They more subtly notice details and negative actions that are criticized, which cause a negative reaction from others. · The subtlety of their mental organization often takes them out of emotional balance, which manifests itself in impatience and emotional imbalance. · They are sensitive to the non-verbal reactions of others in communication. · They lack emotional balance , at an early age, gifted people are impatient and impetuous. · They are characterized by exaggerated fears and increased vulnerability. · Increased personality activity is manifested. · Egocentricity is most clearly expressed in comparison with ordinary children, which is manifested in the original interpretation of events and phenomena, which during communication is expressed in irritation, stubbornness and criticism. · They have a high energy level, and they sleep less than usual. · The difference in the intellectual and physical development of such children can discourage them and develop lack of independence. · It is difficult for them from social rejection and misunderstanding. A gifted person in society often or.
