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As a rule, overweight people have one of the types of addictions - food addiction - which is manifested by a loss of control over the amount of food consumed. Having the same roots and development pattern with any other type of addiction, for example, alcoholism, food addiction is characterized by the presence of the same disorders in a person in the emotional sphere, thinking and behavior. Food, like alcohol or other chemical substances, acts as a means of instantly satisfying a person’s need not so much to saturate the body with the nutrients it needs, but to change the state of consciousness. In this case, food itself becomes a source of satisfying the need for positive emotions, relieves emotional stress and brings temporary relief. Like any other, food addiction to one degree or another affects the main spheres of human life: biological (body), mental (thinking, feelings, behavior), social (activity, communication) and spiritual (the value basis of the individual). Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment will depend on how successfully changes occur in all these areas. But today the most popular, and often the only method of treating addictions is eliminating the symptom, and not a complex effect on the person. The criterion for treatment of alcoholism is considered to be the cessation of alcohol consumption, and the criterion for getting rid of food addiction is the number of kilograms lost. All this is achieved by imposing on a person bans on his usual behavior, with the help of which he previously satisfied his needs, which also require additional research. But thinking remains the same, the emotional sphere is subject to additional stress, and behavior slides into habitual stereotypical actions. As a result, sooner or later a so-called breakdown occurs, when a person again resorts to a chemical substance or food as a way to restore mental balance. An additional circumstance that complicates the treatment of food addiction is that while a person can live without alcohol and no longer needs to control its use, he cannot refuse food without threatening his life. Just as there are no former alcoholics, a person who has become addicted to food will always have to control its consumption, since there are great risks of returning to their previous behavior. In order to successfully engage in recovery, the addicted person must reacquire and develop healthy thinking, behavior, and feeling skills. But it is not possible to do this on his own, since he does not see himself from the outside and cannot see the full picture of what is happening to him. In this case, group support comes to the rescue, in which the group of addicts acts as a mirror, reflecting a person’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. In the group, the addict begins to analyze what is happening to him, he learns how to cope with emerging difficulties, and receives emotional support. When one group member shares his own experience, talking about his experiences, thoughts and actions, the other compares what was said with personal experience, finding more and more new facets, aspects and nuances of his behavior. Thus, the group helps the addict restore impaired reflection. In addition, in the group, its participants share negative experiences, as a result of which negative emotions are discharged in a safe way for themselves, after which there is no need to “eat up” stressful situations. And scientific experiments confirm the fact that during a support group for addicts in the brain there is a release of such an amount of endorphin and serotonin, the so-called “hormones of happiness”, which is three to four times more powerful than the release of these hormones during.
