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I received permission and consent to publish the material from one girl who is a recovering addict. Let's call her Lina (she chose this nickname herself). Lina has been (that is, lives) clean for more than 7 years. Everything would be fine if it weren't for the DRY FAILURE. “Working with Other Addicts Is Just the Beginning of Ministry” Basic Text, p. 72, June 28. Service requires selfless dedication to bringing a message to the still suffering addict. But the service does not end there. Service also means that we need to watch our behavior and ourselves. When engaged in service, we are visible to the entire Community. In NA it is easy to become a “big fish in a small pond.” If we act like bosses, we can easily turn a newcomer away from NA. Group consciousness is one of the most important principles of ministry. It is vital to remember that it is the group consciousness that matters, not our individual beliefs and desires. We express our opinions, share our thoughts - and thereby participate in the development of group consciousness. Once group consciousness is formed, we accept it as a guide to action. The point is to work with other people, not against them. If we remember that we are all working together to reach a common group consciousness, it will be clear to us that all points of view are equally valuable. Once the debate has stopped, all the participants in the discussion become one again and carry the collective message together. We often want to think that we know what is best for the group. But if you remember that getting your way is not the most important thing, then service becomes what it is supposed to be - a way to carry a message to the addict who is still suffering. JUST FOR TODAY: I will take part in the development of group consciousness. I will remember that the end of the world will not come if I do not insist on my own. As I engage in ministry, I will always keep our main goal in mind. I will direct my efforts for the benefit of the newcomer." So, the 20th group of NA, which Lina is attending, and the beginning of the story can be found here https://www.b17.ru/article/450521/?prt=111260 Statement at the group from 06.28.23 Lina shares her next story: “I often hear stories like this in groups when someone’s Mega-genius idea is not supported and quarrels occur. I don’t remember this happening on a global scale, but over small things. , I think this definitely happened, and probably for me now it’s worse than a visible quarrel, because a trifle undermines peace from within. I often say in groups that I’ve returned to NA, and thereby remind myself why I’m here. Why did I really come back? Now I really want to get better, I want to hear people, I want to share recovery, not whining. If I want to “whine,” then I just cry, and give myself the opportunity to unravel, and then. my statement is so sincere that it energizes the guys even more. By the way, I remembered a situation that happened the other day. I volunteered to print out the "Who Is a Sponsor" Preamble. I had colored paper, and I ask: “what color should I choose?” First one says, choose it yourself, but I adore the color purple. And the Preamble looks great on the purple background! I decide to ask the whole group for their opinion. And there were many different options, but not purple..."Spiritual principles help make the right decision in this situation: “I thought I would be very attracted to this, but I remembered a cool spiritual principle that did not give me the opportunity to flare up in feelings, and this principle sounds so “Say one thing, avoid divisions, be united in thoughts and views.” And I quite calmly answered them that I am not against a different color, although, of course, I would be more happy looking at the purple Preamble. Understanding that for the guys my action is real help, I typed the text myself, printed it myself on beautiful colored paper, then went and laminated it and brought it ready.
