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Inhale - exhale, ebb - ebb, day - night. You can notice a certain balance in the world, a balancing act, like the swing of a pendulum. And just as a pendulum cannot swing only in one direction, so a person cannot only receive something without giving or give without receiving. Try just inhaling without exhaling at all, or just exhaling. Absurd behavior? But many people try to live like this. If a person tries to only inhale, only take from life, without giving anything, perhaps believing that there is nothing to give or that he is not worthy of giving something. Very soon the gifts of life will become boring, lose their taste, and cease to please. Moreover, this person is simultaneously angry at what they give him, and at the fact that they give him little or the wrong thing, or the wrong thing... This person is offended, he feels helpless and disappointed in life. This person constantly begs for something for himself, believing that he is being deprived. And he is very angry with everyone around him, believing that everyone owes him something. How to recognize him? A stunted creature who is always “unlucky” in life, he uses impersonal verbs in relation to himself and speaks about himself in the second person. Everything around him and to him happens as if by itself, and he, unhappy, only suffers... Also, sometimes, people try to live only by exhaling - this is to build life according to the principle of “shoulds”. Constantly obeying your inner tyrant, not allowing yourself to relax, but only to carry out difficult and responsible tasks. Then it turns out: it’s very difficult with children, and irritation and anger burst out at them, men (or women) are unbearable creatures who need constant close attention, and work is a necessary duty bordering on hard labor. Life becomes a constant challenge with ever new difficulties and problems. What image do you have? A tired, tired, irritated, unhealthy person. And if this is a woman, then perhaps she is overweight. BREATHE EQUALLY! Living in harmony means allowing yourself to breathe life smoothly, maintaining balance. Breathe out calmly, sharing what you have with others. And if it’s tenderness, tell me about it, and if it’s anger... say it too! For example: “I get so angry when you suddenly grab me! Please, before you touch me, speak to me with words.” At such a moment, you will give away anger as a gift of trust and ask for respect in return. It's a balance. In order to achieve life balance, you need to start with yourself. Allow yourself to give what you have and receive what you need. You can learn this easily and pleasantly by simply listening to your body. Do you want to feel the joy of movement? Pleasure from feeling your own body? On Tuesdays we do body practices focused on relaxation and concentration in the “Fulcrum Point” group. And on Thursdays at the “Psychological Club” we get acquainted with the opportunities that the science of psychology provides. Join us, we will be glad. Sincerely, Elena.
