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From the author: Additional education has become very popular today, especially among young professionals. Additional education has a more flexible organizational structure and involves a wide variety of forms of training. Being a freely organized activity, it should respond more subtly to the individual needs of students. Additional education, like any other type of education, is conducted according to specific educational programs, but there are certain principles, methods and technologies that distinguish it as a special type of education, as stated in Art. 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Recently, a number of scientific studies have noted increased interest in the study of human mental life in the prenatal period, the process of perception and consolidation of information in the memory of an unborn child, conditions for the formation and development of motherhood and fatherhood. Scientific research (N.P. Kovalenko, 2001; V.I. Brutman, G.G. Filippova, I.Yu. Khamitova, 2002; R.V. Ovcharova, 2003; Dobryakov I.V., 2007, etc.) conducted in the field of perinatal psychology, allowed us to take a fresh look at the problem of mental health of the population, the psychology of the personality of women and families, motherhood and childhood. Perinatal psychology is a new field of knowledge that studies the circumstances and patterns of development of the human psyche in the early stages: antenatal, intranatal and neonatal phase, and their influence on the entire subsequent life of the individual. Perinatal psychology is actually one of the first stages of personality research, devoted to the study of the role of genetic and congenital factors in the formation of a person’s mental characteristics and his psychological health. Perinatal psychology has a special role in obtaining reliable data on the mental, emotional, psychophysiological development of the fetus in the embryonic period. Perinatal psychology integrates knowledge from various fields of science and forms new paradigms, approaches, and research methods that do not separate the physiological and psychological components of the human body. Today, ideological and psychological preparation for the birth of a child is absent both in the education system and in the modern culture of Russian society. One of the tasks of perinatal psychology is the development of theory, methodology and practice in the field of psychological adaptation, psychoprophylaxis and correction of a woman’s condition during pregnancy and childbirth. Understanding the importance of psychoprophylactic preparation of married couples and pregnant women for childbirth, and also taking into account the need to popularize perinatal education among young people, On the basis of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, a curriculum for the program “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Perinatal Psychology” has been developed. Program “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Perinatal Psychology” Contents of the program Duration of study: 7 months. Possible forms of training: full-time and part-time. Total labor intensity: 310 hours. Form of final certification: Final qualifying work. Personnel of the program teachers: teaching staff of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NSPU" .Requirements for the level of preparation of applicants for training in the program “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Perinatal Psychology” are persons with higher education. Sections of academic disciplines Topic 1. Fundamentals of general psychology General idea of ​​psychology as a science. Tasks, principles and methods of psychology. Structure of the psyche. The main stages of mental development in phylogenesis. Psychological theory of activity. Mental processes. Feel. Perception. Memory. Thinking. Emotions. Will. Attention. Speech. Concept, classification and functions of mental states. Personality and mental properties. Motivation. Temperament. Character. Capabilities. Topic 2. Introduction to developmental and developmental psychology. Subject and tasks of developmental and developmental psychology. Basic theoriesmental development. Basic patterns and dynamics of mental development. Mental development of a child in infancy and early childhood. Mental development of a child in preschool age. The main neoplasms of a primary school student. Features of personality development in adolescence. The problem of personal development in youth. Mental development during adulthood and late age. Topic 3. Theoretical foundations of human embryology. History of the formation of science. Research methods in embryology. Progenesis. Morphofunctional characteristics of germ cells. Fundamentals of embryogenesis. Characteristics of individual stages of embryogenesis. Fertilization. Splitting up. Gastrulation. Human embryonic development. Fetal membranes. Provisional authorities. Placenta. Structure and functions of the placenta. Topic 4. Theoretical and methodological foundations of perinatal psychology. Perinatal psychology as an important branch of perinatology. Main sections of perinatal psychology. Structure of perinatal psychology. Subject and tasks of perinatal psychology. Variants of theoretical approaches to the substantiation of perinatal psychology. Psychoanalysis as a theoretical basis of perinatal psychology. The structure of mental processes from the point of view of perinatal psychology. Personality theory as the basis of perinatal psychology. An integrative biopsychosocial approach to the study of perinatal psychology. Psychology of family relationships as the basis of perinatal psychology. Topic 5. Psychological aspects of infertility. Reproductive motives of pregnancy. Unplanned conception. Infertility of unknown origin with psychological aspects. Factors influencing psychological infertility. A multifactorial model of personality response to a traumatic event. Motives for conception. Constructive and destructive reproductive motives of pregnancy. Unplanned conception as a psychotraumatic situation. Topic 6. Typology of the psychological component of the gestational dominant. Biological component of the biopsychosocial model of perinatal psychology. Determination of the characteristics of the psychological component of the gestational dominant: optimal, hypogestognosic, euphoric, anxious and depressive options. Topic 7. Fundamentals of transpersonal psychology. Perinatal matrices. Prenatal education. The theory of perinatal matrices by S. Grof from the point of view of perinatal psychology. Basic perinatal matrices and their influence on the formation of mental processes. Prenatal education and development of the baby’s abilities in the womb. Topic 8. Perinatal family psychotherapy. Stages and tasks associated with the development of the family life cycle. Main tasks of perinatal family psychotherapy. Stages of the family life cycle, as the development of family relationships. Tasks characteristic of different stages of the life cycle. Conception at different stages of the family life cycle and their impact on family relationships. Topic 9. Psychophysiological aspects of childbirth. Effective methods of psychological assistance during childbirth. Imprinting.Precursors. Three stages of childbirth. Modern approaches to the problems of psychoprophylaxis during childbirth. Methods for preventing pain during childbirth. Effective methods of psychological support during childbirth. Imprinting. Bonding and holding in the formation of relationships in the “mother-child” system. Topic 10. Formation of a child’s attachment to his mother. Factors influencing the disruption of the emotional connection between mother and child. The phenomenon of psychological deprivation. Theories of attachment. Dynamics of attachment formation. Study of the influence of various types of child-maternal attachment on the psycho-emotional development of the child. Types of child-maternal attachment and methods for assessing them. Factors influencing the disruption of the emotional connection between mother and child. The influence of child-maternal attachment on the mental development of the child. The phenomenon of psychological deprivation. Topic 11. Perinatal loss and the process of experiencing acute grief. Psychological support. Perinatal losses as a psychological and medical problem. Perinatal loss +7913 725 93 80
