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The feminine essence is to be a little bit of a witch. Lately I have been thinking more and more about the feminine essence. About the one that is inherent in us by nature. Nowadays everything is so mixed up - independent women who can do everything themselves: earn money and buy an apartment with a car. If you look at the roads, you get the feeling that there are already more women drivers than men. Women become directors, scientists, and manage their own businesses. Whether it’s good or bad – that’s it! But just behind all this, clinging so tightly to her independence, a woman often forgets about her main essence. And most importantly, he does not enjoy what he has achieved. Does not enjoy being in a relationship with a man. She does not allow herself (for various reasons) to become weak and fragile, at least for a while... It is not for nothing that the female sex is considered, and indeed it is, more sensitive and weak than the male. It is this sensitivity that gives us strength. If we women were strong, like men, we would rely on this resource. And then in any situation, like men, we would act - stimulus-reaction (which is what has been observed recently). In our female world, we rely on sensitivity. This does not mean that men do not have it, or that we do not have the opportunity to act. No! Every man and every woman has both of these parts. So our feminine strength is our weakness, which is sensitivity. It is so inherent in nature that women can hear the wind, talk to birds, walking barefoot on the ground, feel its energy, communicate with trees, hear what the water is talking about... A woman is capable feel your child inside yourself when he is just on the way to the womb, through the distance our hearts clench when something is wrong with our child or loved one, our penetrating gaze and sensitive heart can discern sadness and sadness, even if it is hard hide. And with just one bewitching look we are able to attract male interest. When our man is tired, sometimes it’s enough to gently run your hand over his shoulders, gently linger in his hair, warm him with the warmth of your fragile palm, and at the same moment his shoulders relax and you hear a deep exhale... And what a charming effect on a tired man is something cooked with love a hot dinner, your presence and a simple question: how are you, tired? And nothing else is needed, there is no need to act for him, decide, give advice, and even more so, teach. He will do everything himself! He's a man! All you need is just to support, warm and love like a woman. And when a man is full, warm, loved - he is yours! And here you can be strong, you can be weak, it’s whatever you want. You can own it, be in charge, or be submissive and fulfilling. These are games... You can do whatever you want in them, any plot! After all, it is our witchcraft that can inspire men to take action. We are like batteries to them. Dear ladies, we are witches! Witches! With one movement of the hand, one look and only one phrase we can breathe in strength! It is only important to see this in yourself and accept it! Developing this witch power in yourself is a flow of feminine energy! And this is true feminine power, I’m not afraid of even the word power, which brings satisfaction! Because it is real, everything else is just the evolution of a world in which the origins are lost.
