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From the author: Most of all, a person experiencing a loss is frightened by his own strong feelings that collapse in a situation of loss; it can be very difficult to meet and accept them alone; a psychologist helps to do this as part of a consultative conversation. Full article published on my website: Confusion, fear of the strongest emotions and feelings that cover when experiencing loss, grief is one of the most common reasons for seeking psychological help. How to take into account the dynamics of experiences during losses (stages of grief)? I will present the understanding of emotions and experiences that helps me when working with people in difficult life situations (I will present a piece from my monograph: Rumyantseva T.V. Self-regulation and professional identity of teachers of secondary schools. Monograph. - Yaroslavl: MOU GCRO, 2012, 178 pp.).The role of experiences in crisis and extreme situations. The general goal of the work of experience is to increase the meaningfulness of life, “re-creation”, reconstruction by a person of his own image of the world, allowing him to rethink a new life situation and ensure the building of a new version of the life path, to ensure further development of the individual. Experience - this is a kind of restoration work that allows you to overcome the internal gap in life, helps you gain the psychological opportunity to live, this is also “rebirth” (from pain, from insensibility, from a state of hopelessness, meaninglessness, despair). The psychological content of the recovery process and the main task of psychological assistance is the reconstruction of the subjective image of the individual’s world (primarily, re-identification, creation of a new image of the Self, acceptance of existence and oneself in it). It should be noted that although the experience can be realized through external actions (often of a ritual-symbolic nature, for example, rereading the letters of a deceased loved one, erecting a monument on his grave, etc.), the main changes occur primarily in the consciousness of a person, in his inner space (grieving, review of life and awareness of the contribution of the deceased to one’s life, etc.) (N.G. Osukhova, 2005). Thus, it can be argued that a person resorts to experience (experience becomes the leading and most productive strategy for a person) in special life situations that are insoluble by the processes of objective-practical and cognitive activity, when transformations in the external world are impossible, in situations that cannot be overcome and from which a person cannot escape. Grieving is a natural process, and in most cases a person experiences it without professional help. Due to the relative frequency of experiencing a crisis of loss and people’s insufficient knowledge of the stages of experiencing it, it is violations during this crisis that are the most common reason for seeking psychological help. Complexes of grief symptoms: - emotional complex - sadness, depression, anger, irritability, anxiety, helplessness, guilt, indifference; - cognitive complex - deterioration in concentration, obsessive thoughts, disbelief, illusions; - behavioral complex - sleep disturbances, meaningless behavior, avoidance of things and places associated with loss, fetishism, overactivity, withdrawal from social contacts, loss of interests; - possible complexes of physical sensations, weight loss or gain, alcoholism as a search for comfort (E.I. Krukovich, 2004). The normal mourning process sometimes develops into a chronic crisis state called pathological grief. Grief becomes pathological when the “work of mourning” is unsuccessful or incomplete. Painful grief reactions are distortions of normal grief. Transforming into normal reactions, they find their resolution. I will briefly present the manifestations of the dynamics of experiencing loss (grief) in a schematic form (6 stages).Features.
