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Most women, a long time ago, seized common houses (apartments) and turned them into territories where they are the main ones. Now I won’t talk about the fact that this situation gives rise to a large part of family conflicts. I’m just stating this fact now: a woman considers herself the mistress of the house, it is her territory, she sets the rules in it. A woman will not hesitate to reprimand her husband about how and where he put it, or didn’t put it away, or didn’t put it away. He will begin to impose rules for handling common things and manage routines during: eating, cleaning, behavior with children, etc. And even if the husband has his own “island” in the form of a cabinet with tools, or a sofa on which he whiles away the evenings, here too, he either clearly feels that this is just an island in a large territory where the mistress is his wife, or this island is periodically subject to inspection or seizure: the closet is controlled, the husband is driven off the sofa and recruited to do some executors of the tasks conceived by the mistress .Women behave this way out of deep disrespect for their spouses, believing that without their leadership role, chaos and ugliness will ensue in the house. And they give an example of a situation where “she went to her mother on vacation, came back, and in the volume there was this!!!” Which, of course, will be the result not of her systematic suppression of any husband’s independence, but of the fact that he was initially a slob and incompetent. Well, okay, that’s a separate conversation. No matter how much men suffer from this approach to organizing family life, they are for the most part very adaptive . I know only a couple of families where a man actually fights with his wife for the right to interfere in economic affairs, and a hundred times more families where husbands prefer to submit to the dictates of their wives in a separate apartment. Well, the man quickly realizes that the wife, although evil, is necessary evil. They really want children, family, a smooth life and sex. And for this, we are ready to adapt. And since men’s ability to adapt is better than that of women, it is they who resolve all difficult family situations. No matter how much wives would like to imagine themselves as “guardians of the hearth.” It is the man, smiling slyly to himself, who will stop a stupid argument or not particularly important showdown, reassuring the woman with hugs and compliments. They are the ones who are more likely to agree to new conditions and form new habits. It is men who are more self-possessed and do not wash dirty linen among their cuckoo girlfriends. Men do not create coalitions with mothers, who, under the guise of grandmothers, are constantly inside the family and carry out subversive work from within. They are more patient and loyal. But men compensate and recover at work, or by doing their own extra-family affairs. Spending the evening at home for 2-3 hours, you can come to terms with the dominance of a woman, especially if she compensates for her dictates with delicious food, well-mannered children and sexual availability. And that’s how many people live. A man directs his thoughts, experiences, desires to work. There his main inspiration or goals. It’s worse when the work is unpromising or monotonous. Then men often and, I don’t argue, pathologically, look for another direction of their life aspirations - this is drinking, hobbies outside the home with friends (fishing, hunting, sauna, rocking, etc.), connections on the side, or the computer. Why do they won't they focus their energy on the family? How many women ask questions: “Why doesn’t he do something at home when he has nothing to do? Would you do some repairs, play with the child, teach him something useful?” So because of you, dear ones. Because they don’t want to come under your leadership, sensitive direction and management. They don’t want to be “Bullheads with priests.” A command given in the gentlest voice, veiled as a request, remains a command. And it causes irritation in an adult. A reproach, advice, a wish - even from a beloved woman - kills the motivation to do something. Because motivation does not grow from a “kick” or even a gentle push in the back. It is formed only from its own self-set goal. When
