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If you persistently and persistently bang your head against the wall, then, most likely, breaking it, you will simply end up in the next room room. Often people waste a ton of resources on things that ultimately do not bring happiness. It seems that they want the best, but it turns out as always... They just haven’t yet established a connection with their inner center - they haven’t learned to hear themselves, their heart and their real desires. Imagine a narrow mountain river. This little stream of water never runs in a straight line. She bends around pebbles, blades of grass, ledges, creating her own unique pattern. Beautiful, right? A person who knows what he really wants begins to move just as beautifully and naturally. After all, what our inner compass tells us is always those actions that harmoniously fit into the fabric of this world, and do not go against it. Such a person does not resist resistance. He spends little effort in life, but he always feels good. Just as good as we feel when we observe the natural course of nature. And without such a connection with our core, a person is simply exploited by false goals and values. He is driven by imposed needs - anyone's but not his own. This is the loss of connection with your inner center. This is where that picture with the poor guy sitting by a broken wall and surprised that happiness never came. After all, he tried so hard! He fought like that! SO HOPE! I have already planned how he will jump and dance. And as a result, the garbage now has to be taken out somewhere. I’m generally silent about the precious time that went down the drain - it’s not so funny and fun anymore. And all because he did anything, but not what was REALLY important to him. If you feel some kind of strong block in life, then it is quite possible that you have temporarily lost your compass and are going in the wrong direction. Even if you manage to break through this resistance, the result will most likely not bring you satisfaction. It is important to let go of the situation a little, turn inside yourself, and also look around. What is really important to you now? And what immediate action will fit most harmoniously into the CURRENT context? In the first place is to hear, understand yourself and see the real situation. And only then - act. To be alive and flexible, like a mountain river. Come visit me :) - VKontakte page Artem KalinkinPsychologist, healthy body expert, music man, gestalt therapist, online classes leader
