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From the author: In this article I present a summary of my experience of psychological support for graduates of a large secondary school at the stage of preparation for the Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam.... not so scary anymore. Eleventh grade is the finish line in the marathon of school life. It ends with the state final certification in the form of a unified state exam - the Unified State Exam. A responsible, exciting moment for students, and for their parents, and for teachers... and it remains to be seen - for whom more! Despite the fact that the Unified State Exam has been mandatory since 2009, this moment comes for the first time for every new graduate. In addition, the requirements for the exam change and become more precise every year, and the test situation itself is, in principle, stressful for any person. The present time has made its own changes - now, by the 11th grade, children already know the exam procedure well, having worked it many times in diagnostic work and trial exams. Subject teachers at the school devote enough time to strategic and tactical preparation of eleventh-graders. Therefore, today the actual psychological personal training of graduates comes to the fore. In schools where there is a psychological service (or at least an educational psychologist in the singular), such work is necessarily included in the plan. Since the Unified State Exam is not new for a long time, one might assume that this procedure has become commonplace for students, but diagnostic results show that this is not entirely true and not for everyone. Every year at the end of the first half of the year, anxiety is diagnosed using the Spielberger-Khanin method in all graduating classes. In the 2013-2014 academic year, high situational anxiety was noted in two graduating classes in 51% and 72%; in 2014-2015 - in three classes - 18%, 38%; 30%; in 2015-2016 - in three classes - 23%, 39%, 44% of students. Analysis (inventory) of pre-exam fears showed that most often future graduates are afraid of: failure in the exam, “I’ll fail the exam, I won’t pass, I won’t score.” the required number of points, I can’t cope with the tasks, the wrong type of tasks; I won’t write because of fear; I will write worse than I can” errors “I will make stupid mistakes, errors in calculations, I will forget something simple, elementary that I always knew; I’ll spoil the form, I’ll write down the answers in the wrong place due to carelessness”; I’ll upset my parents “I’ll upset, I’ll disappoint my parents, I won’t live up to expectations, I won’t live up to what they invested in me; wasted time and money on tutors, you will be ashamed in front of your parents”; incorrect assignments “tricky, with subtext assignments, incomprehensible, unfamiliar topics, injustice”; future “responsibility to the future, unknown, unpredictability, uncertainty in the future”; collapse of professional plans “ I won’t enter a university, the chosen, desired university, I won’t get a higher education, I won’t get a certificate, the end of a good, prestigious education, I’ll remain homeless without a job, I won’t be able to fulfill my life plans, I’ll get the wrong profession, an unloved, boring job”; inadequacies preparation “I am not confident in the quality of my preparation; comparison with others is not in my favor; annoying preparation; I can’t bring myself to prepare as needed; excitement and shame for years of lazy studying”; there are no fears: “the process is not scary, I’m not afraid, I chose exams that are not difficult for myself, I can retake them later, I’ll pass with 100 out of 100, fear is irrational.” Thus, it is advisable to carry out a set of activities that for highly anxious children they have a psychocorrectional orientation, and for the rest - a preventive one. I will share an approximate algorithm for the work of a psychologist with graduating classes. Throughout the year, the psychologist advises students and parents of graduating classes, issues specific recommendations to teachers, and speaks at methodological associations and parent-teacher meetings. Sometimes adults, parents and teachers,!
