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From the author: About flexibility....human. About your own self-determination. Sketch on the topic “personal values” “Gutta-percha” boy. Adaptability What is gutta-percha? Synonyms - rubber, flexible, elastic. The article is not about bodily flexibility, but about flexibility as a property of adaptability to the environment. In modern society, flexibility is a desirable quality and a sign of human success. And vice versa - inflexibility is not welcomed by society, at best. I think that inflexibility is difficult to screw up, to convince, to force.....to do things that are not in accordance with personal values. It is difficult and inconvenient to be with him...... Once upon a time, there was a boy who did not know how to say “no”. He lived very well: he had no enemies, no envious people, no bright emotions, no special desires, and he had no friends. But he was very suggestible, dependent on other people’s fashion opinions, etc. He also knew how to well “calculate” those who were “at the top - on the wave” and skillfully copied them: behavior, habits, manner of habits, clothes, car and other attributes.. .. Once a mature boy was noticed by “status persons” and “took with them” because he is very easy to handle... How is this “former boy” now in the environment and among the adored important people I wonder - thanks to his flexibility, He? acquired ?????? - the ability to feel friends’ opinions and desires....???????? If “YES!” - that’s where he wants to go, it’s his choice. Parable on the topic: Someone got into a fight with the servant of the city ruler and bit off his nose. The ruler arrested the fighter and began to interrogate him. He said: “No, sir, I didn’t bite off his nose!” “Did he do that?!” the ruler asked. “He bit off his own nose!” “But it’s impossible! A man can’t bite off his own nose!” :http://quotesbook.info/parables/writing/Nos-zadirat-%E2%80%93-nosa-lishits And if not? Then what is this “Psychological GUTTA PERCH” for? Parable of mankind: Once a bird sat on the mast of a ship when the ship was going out to sea. After some time, she noticed that there were no trees around her and not even noticeable earth. She flew north to find land, but found nothing and returned to the mast, rested a little and flew south. Finding nothing, she returned again, tired and exhausted. So she flew in all directions, but, finding nothing but water, she finally remained on the mast and became satisfied with her position. The author of the article is medical psychologist Tatyana Silaeva Internet course on GETTING RID OF FEARS AND GAINING CONFIDENCE - click here
