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I want to talk about relationships as a way of communication. It may not be a secret for some, but others will hear this for the first time from me. Each time I dive deeper into this topic, I understand that our whole life is about relationships. Relationships with yourself, with people around you, with objects, with the world, with God - or with anything. And all the problems come from a violation of the harmony of communication. It’s so simple and at the same time very difficult. Even now, in the process of writing an article, I notice a typical manner of communication for myself - to break in, go deeper and emerge, switch, look around, feel, then continue the relationship gradually, word by word, step by step checking with the internal response. Sometimes I go back and adjust. By accident, I didn’t save the data and some of it was lost. Upset. But I remember why I started this text. And this allows me to start over, because I want to continue what I started, restore the loss and add something relevant. I want this relationship to take place. Well, that’s by the way. So, let’s continue. Remember the children's song - “well, friendship begins with a smile”? These simple words, familiar to us from childhood, contain all the wisdom of our relationship with the world. What is a smile? This is a signal. A signal that I am open and friendly. This is also a safety signal - you can calmly come into contact with me, I am not dangerous. For example. Let's conduct a thought experiment. You are lost. You need to ask for directions. You see two people. One is gloomy, all in himself. The second is smiling and making eye contact. Who will you approach? More likely - to the second. And so in everything. What will you choose - a scratchy sweater or a pleasant sweater? An old bed with bulging springs or a soft, cozy sofa? A dense forest with gnarled trees or a bright clear clearing? And so on. We choose what is open and friendly to us. But vice versa - we are chosen according to the same parameters. Relationships are always a mutual process. So think about what you are missing? Relationships with people - how open and grateful are you with others? Is it safe for them to be around you? Money - do you accept it? Is there an attitude that money is an evil that needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible? Internal loneliness - do you have it? Friendly? Do you accept with all the shortcomings and advantages? By the way, gratitude is also one of the simple, but very deep secrets of relationships. I don’t know how it works yet, but it definitely works. Let those who know confirm that sincere deep gratitude can restore any relationship! Summarizing the above, we can highlight 3 important components of a harmonious relationship: 1. Openness2. Goodwill3. Gratitude By checking any relationships in your life using them, you can understand what went wrong and correct them. In the end, I want to say thank you to everyone with whom I have ever entered into a relationship. Thanks to you, I learn and open new horizons. Thanks to you, I wrote this article and will write more. Thanks to you, I have known love, I can and continue to feel it in my life. Thanks to you, I feel like I'm alive. Thank you! This is an important milestone in my life. But he is not the last. I am open to new relationships, impressions and experiments. I'm ready to start all over again and again. I want to share my accumulated knowledge, help open my feelings and live them. And I'm grateful that I have this opportunity..
