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Dear beautiful mommies, I am writing a post based on an anonymous question - a girl on maternity leave 24.7 heard from her husband that she is not developing.... Let's start with the fact that when an adult, conscious man proposes marriage to his chosen one, he takes responsibility for the life of this woman and his future children. Yes, of course, a woman can work or mind her own business, but if she is pregnant and raising a baby, then there must be “Plan B”, a safety net, and again - a grown man with education and brains is simply obliged to think about the possibility of job loss, crises and all sorts of disasters... BUT this does not relieve him of responsibility! (if he is mentally healthy, of course!). Otherwise, he is not a man. Now, in the modern world, men rarely start a family at the age of 20, as in Soviet times - a guy returned from the army, she waited for him, and then the wedding took place. Usually a man already has an education, a job, and understands how - your capabilities and skills. What. If? Even if a man is not married, if he has any brains, he must think about what will happen to him if he suddenly loses his job. If he starts a family, then a responsible man thinks about all this twice as much. Many of us get married but a foreigner who already has experience of family life in the past and often already has children from previous marriages. What am I talking about? Moreover, they know very well that pregnancy limits a woman’s activities, that pregnancy often ends a career associated with business trips, stress and - alas, pregnancy is often the reason for dismissal, even if this is not legal. Small children after childbirth they yell, the wife is crawling slightly from lack of sleep, the female body is changing shape, children require a lot of money and time, and if a man with brains, experience (or at least just brains), loves his woman, then he will foresee all these moments and prepare. He will think through the life of the family, think over a plan B, so that the new system with a new family member will work in such a way that everyone can live in it comfortably. So that the young mother does not get tired (doctor, nanny, grandmother, ordering food, sometimes there are outings, courses and outings for wife, so that she, sorry, doesn’t become stupid on maternity leave, a gym membership, etc.)... Men are not stupid, they can buy, find out, order all this with a couple of clicks on the Internet... The reasons why they don’t do this for his woman, in fact, not so much. Attention, I’m starting to call a spade a spade and perhaps you will hate me later for that post)))) A man doesn’t have money for nannies, courses and subscriptions, he has money at the moment is only for housing, food, a child (in this case, he himself will stand at the stove, take the child for a walk, letting you sleep, comb your hair and help you find free online courses - because HE LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO HELP and is afraid Losing YOU somehow The man doesn’t love you, he doesn’t care what happens to you, to the child, he didn’t want/doesn’t want to be in this relationship at all, he supports the minimum maintenance of this family, expecting the child to grow up or you. You will understand everything yourself and leave. And behind the “fence” he has his own bright, beautiful and happy life. A sense of duty still leaves him next to you, but this will not last long. He’s not interested in investing a lot, but he has to “look beautiful.” Therefore, sometimes in such a story they will even buy you a subscription and hire a nanny, but the husband-dad himself will have a minimal presence in the life of the family, just for show. There is often a history of marriage, stimulated by pregnancy, parents, and circumstances. A sign of this story is that a woman constantly feels very lonely, although she is married. Your man is not completely mentally healthy, or has borderline states that are very close to normal. He lives in his own world, and the picture of his world is significantly different from yours. In that picture of the world, a wife who has just given birth, supporting her unemployed husband for a year, carrying the house on herself, is a lazy cow with whom there is nothing to talk about. In the anamnesis of such men
