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Problems that prevent a person from achieving success and living a harmonious life are often based on our addiction. Problems in relationships that arise between a man and a woman, in a family between parents and children, are also, as a rule, based on codependency. Consideration of these problems from the point of view of addiction, and codependency is a special case of addiction, helps to find the causes of problems, approach them systematically, and outline ways to solve problems. Traditionally, the word “addiction” is perceived by ordinary people, not specialists in the field of psychology, only as alcohol, drug, food, nicotine or gaming addiction. But this concept is much broader, including, for example, “codependency,” and the above concepts are special cases. Now the concept of “codependency” is increasingly found in literature and in people’s messages; it is most often used to describe relationships that develop in a family with an alcoholic or drug addict. But again, this concept is also broader, including mutual relationships between people, which, unfortunately, develop in most of our families and outside them. And the problems that arise in many families between spouses, parents and children are, first of all, problems of codependency. Therefore, it is worth considering these concepts in more detail. Dependence can be considered as a certain certainty of behavior, a person’s internal state from any external influence or influence, his internal sensitivity to it, the inability to refuse such influence, an obsessive need. From a medical point of view, this may be a disease, but only psychological aspects will be considered further. The key points here are the conditioning of the internal state from external influences. Under external influence, the object can be alcohol or a drug, another person (husband, wife, father, mother, child, friend, girlfriend, boss, any significant person), a team, social environment, work, sports, play and much more. In fact, it is not the person himself who determines what to do, how to live, but depending on external circumstances, he can feel good or bad, act one way or another. We can say that it is not the person himself who shapes the circumstances of his life, who controls it, but external circumstances that shape his life. At the same time, one of the key points in achieving success in life is an active position in relation to external conditions, determination based on self-esteem and self-confidence. Codependency characterizes relationships between people in which one person is primarily emotionally dependent on another or several significant people. That is, it turns out that his emotional state, feelings and behavior experienced, decisions made are determined to one degree or another depending on the other person. In such relationships, attention is focused on the personality of the other, and not on oneself. In some cases, this state can be characterized by very strong preoccupation, preoccupation, combined with control over the actions of another person, ultimately turning into a pathological state. When a person states: “I want him (she) to do this...”, “why does he (she) do this...”, “he (she) doesn’t do that...”, we can talk about a codependent relationship. It would seem that we are all interdependent in this world, how could it be otherwise? Yes, naturally, we react to the emotional state of people close to us, adapt to their tastes, habits, and needs. But as long as it does not interfere with living and developing, allows you to satisfy your own needs and achieve your own goals, does not constrain, does not have a destructive effect on a person or may cause harm in the future. Therefore, it turns out that there can be a “healthy” dependence and a destructive or addiction (the term “addiction” comes from the Latin word meaning slavery, lack of freedom, coercion,.
