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Spreading out has become very important in light of current events. Diluting your presence in one place is useful both morally and physically. Megacities are no longer in fashion, and Brownian motion across foreign countries and continents just as quickly ceased to be fashionable. And the price of both houses in rural areas and everything native and domestic in general quickly increased in price. As for the psychological aspect of dispersal, the absence of crowding in large cities will have the most favorable effect on people’s well-being. The time has come to finally see and hear yourself, clearly name your needs, and stop always adapting to your environment. Other people’s life patterns no longer work, patterns of reproductive behavior are changing. And on a global scale, it is very correct to start moving individual industries and centers (like Skolkovo) outside the capital and other large cities. Buying a house in the village is now just what the doctor ordered. Moreover, remote work has now fully entered into our lives. Indeed, a legitimate thought arises: why bother in a big, uncomfortable city when you can arrange a comfortable life for yourself with a computer remotely. The market reacted very quickly to the situation, housing prices in the Moscow region have already skyrocketed. The regions will soon get their bearings, but for now they are still thinking - it makes sense to buy yourself a cottage-dacha (or even a full-fledged house) not in Thailand or Goa, but somewhere in the Ryazan region, or in the Kursk province. And the planting of potatoes, onions and beets may come back into fashion again. Priorities are sharply revised in everything: just sit for six weeks within four walls, with rare trips to the store - you will immediately change! And you’ll think hard about how to build your life further, as conveniently as possible for yourself, and not for an invented non-existent prestige. In a word - everything is on virgin soil! And for those who already have real estate in the village, it makes sense to restructure their lifestyle - at least for the summer, and maybe for the whole year, to generally move to a place where no one will ask you for a pass in your garden. *All coincidences in the article are random, real facts and events have been changed.© Bogdanova Anzhelika, 2020. All rights reserved.© Quoting/copying of this article (or part of it) is permitted with the obligatory indication of the author and source of citationINSTGR_LINK Yandex Zen: Little Cactus WhatsAp, Viber, Telegram 89803928667
