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Many articles have been written about the duality of the feminine essence. The biblical parable of Eve and Lilith is known to readers and explains the behavior of a man in marital relationships. Who is Lilith? Lilith is the first wife of Adam, mentioned in the cabalistic system, but she is also mentioned in the early Christian apocrypha - these are sacred texts not included in the biblical canon. According to legends God created Adam from clay at the same time as Lilith. The woman was beautiful, smart, and therefore came to the conclusion that she had equal rights to her husband and stopped obeying him, showing waywardness. For which she was expelled from Paradise. Further, according to the same legend, Lilith turned into an evil demon, killing babies and preventing lonely men from sleeping. Also, according to some legends, she became Lucifer’s friend and was later cast down from heaven to hell with him. Some men dream of connecting their lives with a woman who is caring and economical, soft, gentle and feminine, as well as sexy and confident, smart and bright. Such duality of nature, spiritual contrast can be formed in a woman under the influence of a special family system, where, perhaps, a girl has had rivalry with her brothers since childhood. The second possible causal component of raising a girl with masculine patterns of behavior may be the father’s ardent desire to have a son and to cultivate masculine habits and tastes in the born girl. Many dads buy their daughters boys' toys and manuals, items of clothing, and take them with them everywhere (to sporting events, fishing, and to the auto repair shop). It is not surprising that as a result, the child develops quite masculine hobbies. Freud said that “women are not only indifferent to culture, but are hostile to it. Therefore, it is the man who must bear the entire burden of responsibilities associated with his role. A man distributes his energy so that most of his time and energy is spent on social tasks and less on his wife and family. And the wife feels relegated to the background, and this causes her to have a hostile attitude towards knowledge, towards intellectual development. Civilization is a man's creation, and women do not want to participate in it because they do not see the possibility of easy success." Freud made this statement at the end of the last century. A lot has changed since then. Only the biological and physiological components of the two sexes remained the same. The behavioral and social roles of the sexes have changed significantly. A recent lecture by Professor Robert Sapolsky for Stanford University students on “Neurobiology of Behavior” explains from a scientific point of view some affective outbursts in a woman’s behavior. For example, during the period of ovulation, the image of Lilith awakens in the character of many girls. They become more impulsive, shocking and sexually liberated. This is due to increased levels of hormones in the blood that are responsible for ovulation. It is not always possible to measure hormone levels, but knowing the causes of mood swings and depression, as well as the easiest way to overcome these conditions, is very important for any person. Remember what needs to be done in order to change the concentration of a substance in solution? It is necessary to change the solution itself. The best solvent in the human body is WATER. Therefore, the algorithm of actions for existing unfavorable behavioral conditions is high-quality and regular consumption of water. Many beauty industry experts join these recommendations, emphasizing the importance of regular water consumption to maintain a woman’s natural beauty. The second thing any person, and especially a woman, should remember is breathing. Simple and accessible actions for everyone. The result is monitored within a fairly short time. The third thing that prevents a woman from realizing the causes of depression, anxiety and other psychosomatic symptoms is an unprocessed feeling of fear. Awareness and acceptance of the presence of this emotion, as well as!!!
